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The Quest for Peace and Security in the Republic of South Sudan

By Morris Mabior Awikjokdit

The existence of peace in this planet stretches far beyond the absence of war.  Peace in the world begins right in our hearts, in the homes or family, at the national and international levels. To achieve the ideals of sustainable peace, progress and prosperity in the world, people have to inculcate the spirit and culture of peace in themselves and their children at a tender age.

The importance of peace cannot be overemphasized. Without peace, this world would not be a place fit for human survival. Peace is an inner sense of calm that can come in moments of silent gratitude or prayers. It is a way of becoming very quiet and looking at things so as to understand them. It is also about facing your fears, and then letting them go with the trust that things will be all right.

Peaceful people are blessed with the awareness that all human beings are part of one human family. Peace in the world begins right with the peace in the heart and our interactions with others. A peaceful heart is always free of trouble, worry or worries. Without peace you would feel that you have to control everything and everyone.

Peace in the world is not something that governments of the world create while everyone sits and wait, like spectators watching a football match. People have to make peace in their homes, work places and schools. Peaceful people are always free of violence, prejudices, safe from injustice and other inhuman activities.

When each of us is peaceful, all those who in one way or the other come in contact with us will feel loved, respected and treated fairly, above all we would begin to see our differences as benefits rather than a cause to fight. We would not see our differences as a threat to who we are and what we are; we would not judge others by what we heard but rather we would judge them through what we know.

The independence message from the President to South Sudanese both at home and abroad to nurture this culture of peace is vital and should serve as food for thought for every South Sudanese. Notwithstanding, The South Sudan is well known for its hospitality, peace and tranquility. But the sustainability of this peace and tranquility depends on our ability to accept the culture of tolerance and civility.

It is common knowledge that peace and development are tied together in much the same way as life is tied to the air we breathe. We need not contemplate any prospect of development when either our environment or our neighbor’s, is in disorder. And proximity, vis-à-vis how close one might be to a prevailing problem, does not in any way matter these days.

The effects of a conflict can be felt as far as the influence of globalization can determine, yet the force of globalization is clearly inexorable. This makes it especially incumbent upon everyone to ensure the propagation, promotion and safeguarding of peace and tranquility; even if not for one’s own sake, but for the sake of the future generation, to whom we owe it.

Let us all then allow peace to flourish in the Republic of South Sudan.

The author: is a freelance opinion writer and a professional teacher based in Warrap State- Kuajok. You can reached him by email:

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