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We stand by the IGAD’s current Peace Deadline: South Sudan Youth for Peace and Reconciliation (SSYPR)


Breaking news from Addis Ababa: Three serious events around South Sudan are likely to happen today: (1) US President Barack Hussein Obama arriving Nairobi, Kenya and proceed to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia tomorrow Saturday 25 July instant and will have statement on South Sudan(2) African Union Peace and Security Council to release AU Commission of Inquiry Report on South Sudan this afternoon and (3) IGAD Mediation Leadership to give us (stakeholders) a proposed Compromise Peace Agreement CPA today at 3:00pm at Capital Hotel. Hope all is going to be well for us and God bless South Sudan–Beny Gideon Mabor on his Facebook page

July 24, 2015 (SSB)  —-  South Sudan Youth for Peace and Reconciliation (SSYPR) is a Youth Organization (INGO) formed by South Sudanese Colleges’ and Universities’ students from various ethnic backgrounds studying in Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan, our membership runs across the diversity of our nation. The core mission is to advocate for Peace and reconciliation among the citizens of South Sudan. SSYPR is currently operational while finalizing with registration in Nairobi and Juba, and is soon joining the big peace and reconciliation fronts as it has already launched its peace caravan earlier at the levels of S.Sudanese students and Communities in Kenya while waiting for certificates in the few coming weeks.

As unbiased and impartial as our principles and ethics stand which is also manifested in our slogan “our diversity is our identity,” we strongly stand by the new IGAD Plus’s deadline which suggested that the war must come to an end by the 17th August 2015. South Sudan as a nation have bled enough, we have killed enough of our innocent children, mothers, fathers & elderly; and we have tarnished our image across the globe. Whether these atrocities were committed by which ever faction; the message is clear and transparent: we have done a lot of evil that cannot stand a ground of it being appreciated by the ‘’ghosts or spirits’’ of our late heroes and heroines, thus, peace must prevail and this senseless war should be brought to an end.

It must stop…the war must come to stoppage, our leaders (whether warring parties or not) should understand that peace comes through compromises, reconciliation comes through forgiveness and justice comes through accountability. So, the former should be given a chance so that reconciliation and justice could take the ground. It is high time we should start by compromising so that we can forgive and get accounted for the losses!

Understand this, unity is not democracy where the majority lead and minority remain with a say. We need unity more than we have ever thought of in our history. Therefore, we quote the founding father of our nation “nobody is anybody’s majority and nobody is anybody’s minority.” That was an indirect message of unity. Can we ask our ourselves, how many people do we need to die so as to compromise for peace? Who do we think can win this war and how long can it takes to win it? What have we done well to the civil population whom we intended the nation for rather than having killed their bread winners and destroyed their properties? We believe there are no positive answers except only when we are blinded by the test of the nation; that should be when we are forced to find better answers than the obvious negatives. Give peace a chance and put aside your personal differences and win your legacy of having brought us to independent.

Tito Awen Bol, Secretary General, South Sudan Youth for Peace and Reconciliation;

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