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South Sudanese’s characters that have survived the bi-centuries’ wars

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

“In this polarized and polarizing conflict, perceptions can overshadow reality, and whatever the equation of the power structures, the Dinka are being seen as having replaced the Arabs as the rulers in an ethnically unjust system. As the various ethnic groups converge against what they perceive as Dinka domination, the Dinka in turn begin to perceive themselves as targeted and paradoxically as in imminent danger of a genocidal onslaught. They therefore strive to mobilize themselves in self-defense.” – Dr Francis Mading Deng – SOUTH SUDAN NATIONAL DIALOGUE; Conceptual Reflections page 43

November 30, 2017 (SSB) — South Sudanese is best known across the globe because of their peculiar human traits; they are sympathetic, they are kind and welcoming, Junubeen is caring and honest, they are rich in humanity.

Commonly generosity and pride are their towering characters that any visitors cannot pass without notice.

In an article published by the Dawn Newspaper on the 21st November 2017 three International Journalists; writer Jeffrey Gentleman, Photographer Sara Hylton and producer Eve Lyons evidently and undoubtedly exposed the exact traits by which South Sudanese people are best known for.

The unenthusiastic ones such as hostility are cogently approaching in as a result of many dreams crushed, chronic trauma and many years of accumulated stress.

With its best title “What war can’t destroy” the practiced journalists daringly and genuinely acknowledged that the years of conflict have torn at the seams of Juba, South Sudan, but the city’s people hold their heads high, the highest percentage of resiliency has credibly be shown by the people of South Sudan from Mahdia period of 1881-1889 to the condominium rule 1889-1955 then the Anyanya wars of 1955-1972 all along to the SPLM/A 1983-2005 armed struggles and the today political war that erupted in 2013.

Sara Hylton a Canadian documentary photographer who came to South Sudan in August according to their publication was surprised by what she called the “city’s bold style”.

The city of Juba according to her has seen all odds but still present lively activities and progresses at the pinpoint of conflicts and crisis.

 That great pride seen by Sara Hylton is what had been keeping South Sudanese on the rocky and hardy paths during the bi-centuries wars on social, economic and political isolation by the numerous Khartoum regimes.

It is the same pride that is being applied to deflate the crisis highly flying balloon, in their reporting the documentary journalists came to understand that there is a fearless sense of style that the war had not managed to kill off.

In her reporting sincerity, Sara observed that many South Sudanese carry their trauma quietly and are sometimes emotionally exposed due to the number of dreams crushed.

Though many dreams have been crushed; South Sudanese haven’t given up, there is still so much hope Ms Hylton acknowledged, Ms Hylton saw much sadness but it wasn’t always obvious because people put on brave faces.

Even with the highest level of sadness; it is not South Sudanese’s culture to expose the level of unhappiness though it might be there, the people normally put on the frame of braveness.

Lustrously the people of South Sudanese are openly known for generosity, kindness, empathy, and resiliency, and above it all, they have high pride in dignity.

South Sudanese have various unique humanly and Africa hereditary traits.

Awuol Gabriel Arok, a Writer and a Poet, has a Bachelor Degree in Social and Developmental Studies from the University of Juba, South Sudan, he is the author of unpublished book ‘‘The Wisdom Horn’’ and an Initiator of ‘‘Your Tribe is My Tribe’’ and ‘‘Giving Heart Foundation’’ initiatives. He can be reached via his email Address:

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