PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Sudan blames Zionist-American plot for unrest

Sudan blames Zionist-American plot for unrest
Sudan lost three-quarters of its oil revenue after South Sudan gained independence last year, forcing the government to impose cuts that have hit Sudanese who were already grappling with soaring inflation and a weakening currency. “Zionist institutions 

1000 held, hundreds hurt in Sudan protests – ‎
Khartoum: About 1000 people were arrested and hundreds hurt, many by tear gas, during anti-regime protests in Sudan on Friday, an activist group said on Saturday’s anniversary of President Omar Al Bashir’s coup. The information minister called the 
AngolaPress –
KHARTOUM – Sudanese police used teargas and batons to disperse hundreds of anti-austerity protesters on Friday chanting ‘Freedom, freedom’ and demanding President Omar Hassan al-Bashir’s government leave power. Protests against government spending cuts 
Al-Arabiya – ‎
Riot police fired tear gas to disperse protests on the 14th day of anti-regime demonstrations sparked by inflation. (AFP) By AFP About 1000 people were detained and hundreds injured — many by tear gas — during anti-regime protests on Friday in Sudan, – ‎Jun 30, 2012‎
ABOUT 1000 people were detained and hundreds injured – many by tear gas – in anti-regime protests in Sudan. The arrests came on yesterday’s anniversary of President Omar al-Bashir’s coup. The information minister called the protesters “rioters” who 
Ahram Online – ‎Jun 30, 2012‎
Tens of Sudanese protested at their embassy Saturday in Cairo in solidarity with an ongoing revolt in their home country against President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir, demanding democratic change. “We are here in solidarity with the Sudan movement demanding 
Ahram Online – ‎Jun 30, 2012‎
Demonstrations continue in the Sudanese capital Khartoum against the ruling regime. Sources speak of unprecedented numbers of protesters in ‘elbow-licking’ uprising File photo: citizen journalism photo provided by the group Grifina, purports to show 

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