PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Telar Deng’s Fiasco and the Case of ‘Fake Degree Holders’ in South Sudan

Dear Compatriots, 

Reviewing academic qualifications and criminal background checks of the President’s nominees for the ministerial posts is a good step if it will continue as system of the good governance and not just a political witch-hunt for only Mr.Telar Ring Deng by his political nemesis as alleged by some political circles.
Honestly, there are few people who carry false degrees, especially, those returning home from the Diaspora. Those individuals returned home and worked in the government institutions. Some worked in the private sectors with fake academic credentials with no transcripts, College &University degrees without notarized seals, and no physical school buildings in existence. Such people are currently occupying key important positions in the government of South Sudan. They have obtained those positions through nepotism.
However, people who hold real degrees are left out in limbo. This reminded me of my great conversation with one of my best friends by the name Angelo Adian Deng from Warrap In 2003 in Nashville, Tennessee. We discussed what the value of education means to some people. We also talked about why some people preferred titles than knowledge. I told him that many people from our communities deceived themselves by acquiring false degrees that earned them only titles, but not knowledge.  He told me that he knew many people from his own community who have the same fake degrees. I am citing this example because of the recent controversial debate about the vetting of some President’s nominees for the National Government Ministers in the National Legislative Assembly. I congratulate Mr. President for asking the parliament to vet the candidates. I also congratulate the members of the National Legislative Assembly for their nationalistic and heroic stand to screen out the unqualified and incompetent cadres.
I personally appreciate the Selective Vetting Committee from our Legislative Assembly for the great job they have done during confirmation hearing. I hope this process shall be adopted by the State Legislative Assembly in all the ten States of the Republic of South Sudan.  I believe they shall follow the same by thoroughly investigating the academic credentials of every South Sudanese who wants to seek job in the country as it has been applied to the members of the new national government.
Moreover, this system of checking the academic credentials, background, experiences, expertise, and knowledge of individuals seeking employment with the government of South Sudan and private sectors must be adopted as set criteria for recruitment of the work force in South Sudan.
Currently, the institutions of the government throughout the south Sudan are paralyzed or crippled because some incompetent people who lack knowledge and skills have permeated those institutions. They cannot even prepare action plans for development in the new country. Therefore, I am appealing to all South Sudanese to academically equip themselves with necessary knowledge and skills to rescue the new born nation. Now, the time has come to do the real work and deliver quality services to our people. This era is not the dark days when there was no government system in place. These are not the ancient days when the nepotism was the only qualification to obtain employment. It is now the time for merit and real qualifications to be considered for serious work. People must learn that there is a time for everything. Nobody should have expected that some freedom fighters should falsify their academic credentials in order to obtain the constitutional posts in our government.  As it is said “You can fool people for sometimes but you cannot fool them all the times”.  I strongly believe that this recent vetting of the President’s nominees sent a clear message to those who have obtained jobs using fake certificates. These people will be purged out of the system shortly.
In conclusion, the requirements for checking the academic credentials should be passed down to the State Governors in order to use it when downsizing their state governments. If this vetting process will continue, our country would prosper and move forward. I thank the Selective Vetting Committee of the National Legislative Assembly for their professionalisms, impartiality, and integrity in executing their assignment.  I hope those who hold false and irrelevant degrees will be hunt down because this is a form of corruption. With this step, then our country is close to reach the integrity, honesty, and commitment to achieve the dream we all fought for during the liberation struggle.
Stephen Miyong Nyuon
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
It is a start.  I believe this system must continue. I heard one of the Man in Aweil who deceived the people in Aweil that he has a degree in University of Calgary. He posted a big degree in his office wall but when people who were with him in Alberta go to see him, he doesn’t allow people to come to his office.
He always prepares to meet with them outside his office. This man has never gone to any institutions in Western Canada but he spoke a very commendable English; however, he spoils this English by using fake degree. There are no institutions that offer any degrees in Canada without attending academic courses.
 I hope this fire must expand to states as well so that people must cross check the validity of employee certificates. Kenya and Uganda spoiled the whole east Africa because they make fake degrees.
Peter Gatkuoth


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