PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Is Gordon Buay the New Presidential Advisor to Salva Kiir?

The leadership council of former SSLM/A congratulates President Salva Kiir

For Immediate Release
The leadership council of former South Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SSLM/A) expresses its deepest appreciation and gratitude to H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the C-in-C of the SPLA army, for issuing a Presidential decree on November, 25th , appointing the top leadership of SSLM/A to the positions of power as agreed during the negotiation on power-sharing and security arrangements.
The appointments of top military and political leaders of the SSLM/A fulfilled most of our demands negotiated by the SSLM/A with the Armed Groups Integration Committee under Lt. Gen. Thomas Cirilo Swaka. As per the demands of SSLM/A on power-sharing and security arrangements, President Salva Kiir Mayardit and the SPLA Chief-of-General-staff accepted the followings:
1.     SSLA is given the army position of one Lt. General;
2.     The SSLA is given five Maj. Generals;
3.     The SSLA is given six Brig. Generals;
4.     The remaining ranks from Colonel up to NCOs shall be arranged based upon the strength of forces of SSLA;
5.     The political wing of SSLM is given one adviser to the office of the President and two ambassadors;
6.     In Upper Nile and Unity states, the SSLM’s political wing is awarded one adviser to the governor of Upper Nile and one minister and adviser to the Governor of Unity State.
The aforementioned positions, awarded to the SSLM/A, have been confirmed by the Presidential decree of Nov., 25th and the gubernatorial decrees already issued by the governors of Upper Nile and Unity states. What remained now in all the peace processes is an effort to bring on board the remaining rebel movements that are still at large and are yet to be persuaded to respond to Presidential amnesty that was granted by President Kiir in April, 2013.
We seriously encourage and call upon David Yau Yau to respond to peace offered by President Kiir to bring peace and unity among the people of South Sudan. Despite the bitter feelings which communities in Jonglei have due to internecine cattle rustling violence, we appeal to the elders of Murle, Nuer and Dinka in Jongle state to embrace peace and unity to address the protracted violence that affected their communities.
We therefore appeal to the international community to support and assist President Kiir in his endeavor to bring peace and tranquility to the Republic of South Sudan. Bringing peace in South Sudan by stopping political and communal violence is not a responsibility that should be left to President Kiir alone. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) must also play its role in assisting President Kiir to consolidate unity and peace in South Sudan.
For Contact:
Mr. Gordon Buay
Spokesman of the Leadership Council of SSLM/A

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