PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Understanding the Attack on UNMISS Camp in Bor

At Least 27 People Have Been Killed In UNMISS camp In Bor

By Achiek Jok Riaak 

BOR – More than 27 people have been killed during a fighting which erupted at UNMISS camp in Bor following a peaceful demonstration carryout by youth members of Bor county on Thursday.

Critic Ngueny said that Bor county youth were demonstrating peacefully with ultimate that Members of Nuer sheltering at UNMISS camp should be evacuated after they have discussed the number of issues provoking situation in Bor town.

“The youth from Bor county were demonstrating peacefully on the position that white Army who had participated during the crisis in Bor must leave the UNMISS camp within 72 hours but unfortunately during their marching toward UN Compound to hand over their petition to the head of mission in Bor, the United Nation Peacekeeping Force begun to shoot at the protesters,” Said Critic Ngueny.

No any clear information from the UNMISS office in Bor to clarify the cause of the clash between the civilians and them at the camp.

According to Ngueny statement, the youth were all annoyed on the ground following two days celebration carryout by the White Army group refuge at UNMISS camp in Bor after Bentiu, the headquarters of Unity state retaken by rebel force two days ago.

The Internal Displaced Peoples who are given protections by UNMISS at their base celebrated the recaptured of Bentiu by anti-government forces.

A UN health worker, William Oyual told the media that at least 20 people were killed during the fighting but other source said that death casualties from Nuer side are more than 61 people apart from 7 youth who got killed during the clash.

Bior Kuer, who works at Bor civil hospital, said another two people died at the health facility from wounds suffered during the fighting.

Panchol said that 14 people from protesters have been wounded meanwhile the number of the wounded people from IDPs is still unclear as the number is fluctuating from more than 60 up to 100.

The secretary of Bor community, Abraham Mach has said that youth were protesting the petition regarding the case of the White army inside the UNMISS camp.

Mach said that they give some copies to the government organs and they were heading to UNMISS compound to handed over a copy to UNMISS authorities petitioning that the White Army inside the UNMISS camp should be evacuate meanwhile in the process the UNMISS and the Nuer inside the UNMISS start firing at them not knowing that they were coming to handed the petition to them at the camp.

“I had just received the letter this morning, and the letter was addressed that the youth demand the urgent evocation of White Army members inside the UNMISS camp, calming that they always celebrated the fallen of others town under the rebel loyal to Riek Machar,” Mach said.

He said that, the office of Bor community is against anything that is violent, “they youth informed as that their protest is a peaceful protest, so if it is peaceful, then how can you denying them. how can you deny youth or a citizen of Jonglei who is perching in the names of peace or who is sacking she or he think is right in the name of protest.”

Abraham Mach said that they are for peace, UNMISS is here to help the people of South Sudan particularly people of Jonglei and anybody in the state and that is why UNMISS is here, they are here to facilitate peace in the country, and not to respond to any violent.

The UN Mission in South Sudan their statement released on Thursday strongly condemns the deadly and unprovoked attack on its base in Bor and they (UNMISS) has called on South Sudan’s leadership to uphold its responsibilities to protect all South Sudanese civilians and maintain public order.

The UNMISS has calls on all national, state and local authorities and forces to protect all civilians, to ensure that the inviolability of United Nations premises is protected, and to take effective measures to prevent a recurrence of such attacks.

Almost 5,000 civilians are sheltering inside the fortified base of the UN mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in the town, one of the most bitterly contested regions in the four-month-long conflict in the world’s newest nation.

Majok said the demonstrators had clashed with peacekeepers inside the base, but it was not immediately clear who had fired the shots.

Information Minister Michael Makuei said that a “huge number” of gunmen, seeking revenge for the rebel capture of the oil-town of Bentiu two days ago, overwhelmed government forces in a bid to slaughter the terrified and trapped civilians.

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