PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.



By Jurkuch Dengdit


It’s not the unsaid that divides us; it’s the said divisive words that divide us.

No one had seen this coming. From national politics to communal/clan minds-resourceful minds lured by egos. The egos that had cost South Sudan ten of thousand of people dead, millions displaced and fifty thousand children on the verge of starvation- a man made disaster is taking young innocent souls.

This war has created unprecedented level of hatreds amongst South Sudanese. South Sudan, a nation polarised by tribal affiliations! It doesn’t end tribal per se. A national political disagreement has found its new ‘palace’ in the hearts and minds of Bor and Twic East counties. Myopic political appointment perhaps is an apocalypse between these two sisterly communities of Bor and Twic.

The rants that had surfaced amongst Daidit Maa, Tearz Ayuen, Atong and Amer Mayen had further or somewhat have polarised the two communities of Twic and Bor. It’s creating animosity and division. It eerie! Pause and think. It’s bellowing. It smells-a disastrous putrid smell perhaps. Hate speeches that have given the government of South Sudan an absolute control over its citizens when it should be the citizens that dictate what the government does.

This is because we have abridged our intellects to debate trivial discourses that often compromise our shared values that overrun nation discourses. We are loosing the war to hold the government of South Sudan accountable to be wise and fugal government, which shall refrain men from injuring one another, shall leave their own pursuits of industry and improvement and shall not take from the mouth of labour the bread it has earned. This should be our absolute fight to anyone who wants to extend the hands of the former oppressors in our nascent country.

This rant is an epitome of anathema, and this shouldn’t whatsoever be use to polarised these communities who have fought in various wars side by side. They have witnessed and endured horrific and merciless massacres inflicted upon its people by another brother.

These communities together fought determinedly to see the people of South Sudan living in their own country in decency and in dignity. Their shared values are embroidered in paying an ultimate courtesy and respect for anyone regardless of one’s tribe, gender, social status or political affiliation.

Daidit Maa, Ayuen, Atong and Amer are great writers and thinkers. They can help these communities ‘elate’ their political frontiers through their acumens. They can always thunder the evils of nationalism. They can shun the vices of national developments. More importantly, they can engage our young and ‘learned’ generation of South Sudanese wherever they are on strategic and pertinent national discussions.

Or possibly if they know, they can help Kur Wel Kur rewriting the history of lost boys and redefining the diabolism in the history of the lost boys (twisted history to conquer impossible frontiers).

I must admit, you guys can write wonders. You can move the mountains of lies and institute the archive of the truths. Dust yourselves off from this petty and toxic debate and maybe leave it to less informed and ‘escapegoaters’ who think they can build a strong community base support.

You are tarnishing our shared image and sadly, you are unknowingly goading our friends/enemies-those who want to see Bor and Twic disintegrate to advance their political influence. Your language usage and creativity to craft words out of the existing community’s name, which am hesitant to exhume herein is disheartening and outrageous. Remember, it’s not the unsaid that divides us; it’s the said divisive words that divide us.

In time of crisis, anyone has rights to support any political paradigm, but that doesn’t guarantee one’s a license to names calling. Too, it’s equally true to say that names calling don’t degrade your community. Remember folks, a wise is superior to any insults that’s hurled upon him and the best reply to unseemly behaviour is patience and moderation. We must rise above insults and shame ourselves of evil that litters in us.

If we don’t change this, in my humble view, you are ultimately compromising our long shared and cherished social fabric that holds Bor and Twic people together for time immemorial

As I said above, our focus as this generation is to engage our politicians on the barbarism of caging our own people in an appalling situation in UN managed camps across the country. We must engage our politicians to avoid devouring media laws that compromise the lives of our journalists and writers.

We must shrug off these petty debates and fearlessly tell the president to stop ‘defiling’ our nation’s constitution as if it’s his own book that requires new editions. We must advocate for our girls education to be a nation agenda. We don’t need no education for our girls.

With the same token of determination, we must also echo the same voices for better health facilities that are well equipped with world class trained medical professionals so that the nation must curb the rampant child mortality during childbirth.

The youth must also advocate for the utlisation of untapped national sectors such agriculture to engross our young people in productive activities that will make them sustainable in long term.

This in turn, creates employments and magnanimously ceases idleness in our people. Profoundly, South Sudanese young people should indulge themselves with such debates rather than tribal or clannish debates.

In conclusion, tribal and communal/clan rants are disheartening and we must rise above communal tendencies. We must know that these two sisterly communities of Bor and Twic have co-existed before therefore, no myopic political interests of TODAY will ever compromise this long cherished and well-lived co-existence.

We must abjure the tendencies that drive us apart. We are one people, and no amount of hates speeches from few individuals will darken our ‘ceiling’ of understandings.

The success of Buor and Twic doesn’t lie in tiptoeing and envying on our own selves. No matter what circumstances we are in, we must always diligently and honestly guard our thoughts.

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