PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Upper Nile Region in South Sudan: A Crimea in South Ukraine—Part 1

By Kur Wel Kur

It sends a chill down my spine to hear our brothers want to return as prodigal sons to their masters in the North Sudan. It makes me wanders in unthinkable thoughts because yesterday some of us disposed buckets full of shits in our own land in the hands of our enemies (Arabs in the North Sudan) so we waged a liberation war. In which, we aimed to liberate all Sudanese of African discern, born and living in Sudan.

However, because of religious numbness, some of our brothers sticked with the enemy and they fought us in the name of Allah-Jihad- all sons of Darfur and all Nuba, except sons of Southern Korodufan and some Blue Nile sons fought to choose wives among seventy most beautiful ladies in heaven, only if they (sons) die as jihadists while sons of Hassan al Turabi and Ali Osman Mohammed Taha, enjoyed their studies in either within Khartoum or abroad.

The liberation war consumed over two decades (22 years) because of our short sighted brothers who invested in short term benefits and short term wars; they returned to their filthy vomits; they asked our enemy for anything to do in order to pick scrums of bread for survival. The enemy propelled our brothers to the oil fields where they and General Peter Gadet Yaak, patrolled our oil wells so the enemy would drill our oil in their safe hands! General Gadet owed us our lives lost in the two-decades-war because the government of Khartoum purchased military gears with oil revenues. Apart from the slaying of the most respected and highly valued commander, William Nyuoon Bany (stay tune for a note about him), Gadet has proved himself a lone wolf roaming in and out of South Sudan.

For these reasons, we must absorb the brothers’ rumours of plan B to join the North Sudan if they don’t attain what they want; what’s this they want? This question needs Nuer’s community to answer it! Failure in answering it, will mean more deaths in Nuer’s community. Nuer’s community must understand that they bled and may continue to bleed to quench Riek’s thirst of power. I believe my brothers (Nuers) will disbelieve me but a government may roll down a test of this statement not far from now. If the government calls   for Tabaan Deng Ghai to take the presidency today, and Riek waits for an election; Riek will either remain in the bush or commit suicide! The ailing man has these two options at his disposal, could a government hit his weakest link by choosing someone in his camp as a president. A gain, what’s this Riek wants?   My brother Paul Tethloach Dak on nyamilepedia wrote: “Give sword a chance or compensate the ‘Nuer’ with power in order for a just and lasting peace to rain in South Sudan”; I believe that’s what Nuers especially Riek wants.

The government must capitalise on all fears. Histories recur because of fear, all sorts of fear, known or unknown fears drive the world. When US dismantled USSR, the fear of military competition and the fear of unity from USSR drove their (Americans) tactics; US troops, partying in the backyards of Asia, Europe and Middle East: US planned to sail 60% of her navy ships in Pacific region by 2020; in Darwin, Australia, US stationed 2,500 troops and navy vessels to repel the South east Asia threats. US deployed 116,400 troops in Middle East and Europe; Out of this number, 56,000 soldiers and 15,000 airpersons reside in Germany and the rests in Turkey, Britain and Italy. 47,000 of US troops reside in Japan, 37,000 troops live in South Korea because America fears the two communist countries: China and North Korea and in case of any conflict in Europe (Russia/cold war) and Middle East. And most US embassies in the world own some numbers of Marine Corps. With the same fear, US invests millions of dollars in missile defence in Israel to counteract the Iran’s nuclear threats.

The fears continue, Israel has established the best defence system ( the iron dome) the world has ever known, even US doesn’t come close to Israel when it comes to defending the citizens from terrorists/enemies. Israel has the best surveillance systems and the best missile-defence; they (Israelites) fitted all their domestic and commercial planes with missile deterrent system. The fear of Iran, Syria, Palestine and Lebanon, drives all these systems.

So my reader, having read this far, I am about to hit the core of this article because you deserve to know the truth. And the truth comes down to Upper Nile Region in South Sudan versus Crimea in South Ukraine and North Sudan in the shadows of Iran versus South Sudan in the shadows of Israel. I believe you keep looking over your shoulders for US in this picture; and you have rights to do so but I will let you know how to keep US in this picture without it interfering in a harmful way after I discuss the above mentioned topics. Or give it (US) the drilling of oil and all is fine

Upper Nile Region versus Crimea in South Ukraine

Early this year, the case of Crimea in the Southern Ukraine occupied the world headlines; the 58 or 60 % of Crimea population that belongs to Russia, pushed for secession of Crimea from Ukraine to Russia; However, the referendum failed to validate this notion so the Russian government backed the rebels from Crimea. This made European nations and US to warn Russia and threaten it with the economic sanctions. The case hangs without apparent and viable solution. How does case resembles our current crisis?

To be continued so lookout for part two….

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