PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.



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As the government continue indulging itself to an endless cycle of false promises, procrastination, and missed opportunity. The citizen shall continue suffering and it result will always be uncertain death of innocent and vulnerable citizens. The state development has been incarcerated by bunch of what I could correctly call unsuccessful lots of inanities to which duties are to propagate the continues loss of lives as the state continues dwelling in the pool of sufferings and daily lives loss.

Some people blame the national government as the subject to inabilities of state developmentnot forgetting the insecurity and other factors  that are affecting the citizens lives as well as the state development progress. Well in other way the national government can be blamed but we should always avail ourselves with the truth that any development whether in the state or in the nation as a whole, can always be effective in a peaceful environment. Meaning everything that is in connection to human life should alwaysbe starting at home. Whether peace initiative, development or anything else that involves development success

Hitherto, the strike of hunger in Lakes state is rising day by day as the state continues indulging in revenge activities and other factors that keeps palpitating the lives of citizens in Lakes state and particularly three counties of Rumbek.  The question is when the hunger death adds itself to the current revenge deaths, what will be the future of that state.

To my understanding, Lakes state and particularly Rumbek citizens will never again see any unity neither development if the current government in the state does not revised it strategies of leadership. As a reader, I hope you don’t take that bait, but this is time to speak the truth. And only the truth will set us free.

There is nothing wrong with the citizens in Lakes state despite being placed as the architects of the insecurity and other crises in the state. The only problem is when some fanatics are always so certain of themselvesand wiser people so full of doubts.This is what prevails in the culture of our leaders and if not dealt with, the future of Lakes will always  remain in the hands of what I could correctly call the  lot of perfectly reasonable, intelligent people morons.

The problems of this country and particularly Lakes state will never stop as the county continues suffering from the imprisonment of cultural inanities whose ideologies are to get-rich-quick as people favor hope for development.

As a citizen of this nation and from the state in subject, am invoked on same toxic formula for success to which I have oft lamented on these and other articles that were published earlier. With hope that if we stand to speak the truth the truth will always avail us success.

To end here, let’s meditate over this and other important issues pertinent to service delivery to our people and Nation Building.

 The Author of This Article is a South Sudanese from Lakes State-Rumbek center. For comments or anything reaches me:

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