PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

In President Kiir’s Cooptational Politics Today in South Sudan!

By Gatkuoth Lok

I have just noticed that Kiir called for general amnesty in the country.

What for? What do we make of this?

Hey, in the mind of our Kiir, he erroneously thought that time has come for the opposition forces under Dr. Machar to join him one by one since naive n lackey gen. Lul Ruai submitted himself with his lovely victimized wife to his Juba govt.

This must be one of the core reasons why he broke his promise to turn up for peace negotiation in Addis Ababa, for the last round of talks on 19th this feb.2015

In his general amnesty, president Kiir asked the white army to put down their guns to come home. Look, does Kiir want to mass-massacre the white army as he himself finished Nuer civilians in Juba? What do u think of a movement with all its fundamental objectives and ultimate goal? Do you Kiir, dream of having again all the presidential powers which you previously abused in the first place?

Is Kiir confusing our military commanders with those of militia commanders, notably; BapinyMunytueil, David YauYau, n Johnson Ulony who got coopted all, n left behind their goals? These commanders gave up to fightKiir in order for them to garner some enticing appeasements of military ranks?

Can Kiir compare these commanders with SPLA generals; namely Gen. Gatwech Dual, the current chief of general staff, Gen. Peter Gatdet Yaka, Deputy chief, for operation, Gen. Dau Atourjuong, Deputy chief for training SPLA, among others?

Is he confusing our exponent political leaders with superficial political leaders as those of Hon. Prof. Dr. lam akol ajawin, Hon. Dr. Riek Gai Kok, Mr. Tutkew Gatluak, Rev. hon. Kuol Chol Awan and young sycophant and lackey ambassador, Gordon Buay Malek?

To all afore-asked questions, I answer, no, Kiir must not get confused to opt for deceptive political trajectory in wild hope that he might ensure his life presidency coming into existence in this Republic of ours.

Therefore; we refuse to believe that Kiir is anointed King of Awan Chan clan of Warrap to preside over all South Sudanese by force.

We refuse to believe that being bribed by your own money control by Kiir’s thugs is the only celebrated life today in South Sudan.

We also rejected that some people were born poor n shall die poor n that the ruling tribe is blessed n each member was born rich n shall die rich n also born to rule n not to be ruled. This is the crux of muonyjiengism policy from which all our crises come.

We r all tired of Kiir’s dictatorship based on the aforesaid policy n that it must be uprooted n be replaced with democracy though with high prices, we have to pay since it embodies all our soul desires viz: the rule of law, equality and rights of various sorts- consequential to accountability, which radically reduces corruption in the Republic.

This must be actualized, no matter what.

It implies that dictatorship characterized with bulk of impunity cases, including the ongoing Museveni-Kiir’s genocide, tribalism, nepotism, cronyism n all ill-isms must be dealt with in our life time.

Well, let’s call it a nice piece of today… for our evening reflection dear friends of goodwill.

I remain humble n patriotic.

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