PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why Dinka Traditional Marriage Won’t Stand a Chance in Modern Life (Part Three)

Education: “Good education opens up empty minds into an open one”

By Mamer Deng Jur, Australia

April 14, 2015 (SSB)  —-  But, I think education has a generic definition, which can be used in many aspects. In short, it is a learning of new things.

Today many people in South Sudanese communities are putting backward their traditional education/knowledge in exchange for profound Western education. Meaning that, they are adopting Western cultures, rather than their own cultures. But these Western cultures they adopt, are not being properly understood by many people (South Sudanese) who may claim to have known these cultures well.

But consequences of such adoptions are so dearly; they cost the communities in many ways. Western values and Sudanese values are not ready yet to share the same bed together. The conflict of interests between the two is really killing South Sudanese communities’ spirit.

South Sudanese nowadays are currently hitting the hardest spot of Western education. Westerns’ education was established around 150 and 200 years ago. And imagine, you came yesterday and think that you could just fit in like any other person in this community of West.

In my opinion, I think it is not easy at all to just fit in and think that you are happy. So many people are hitting the hardest spot rather the simplest of its form.


One of the reasons is that, 95% don’t understand laws at all or they do and they simply ignore them. Some don’t know how laws work and operate. Many of them have learnt those cheap laws of the street without better understanding.

For example, ideologies of calling the police, once a wife and a husband had a heated argument in the house. In most cases some of the men ended up beating their wife, which is unacceptable in Australia.

Secondly, such ideology of calling a police had also been adopted by a number of children in the community, which results into children being taken away from their parents by an agency called Child Protection.

But such agents are helpless, because many of them don’t even have children, so they don’t know how to educate young children. What is in their minds is a law that protects children, but what they don’t know is that, laws were derived out of human values.


Many families nowadays are collapsing badly because of poor education, and currently nowadays, everyone in the family is happy to make a decision. But traditional and even in the West, decisions making are left to the head of the family (husband), but today females want to be male as well in order to make decisions.

Then if everyone were willing to make a decision in the family, then there would be no mutual understanding between the parties regardless of who faults who. And that why there is a high separations and divorces in South Sudanese communities, and Australian communities as well. Simply they don’t respect one another.


Our girls’ education in this country (Australia) is not helping the community at all, nor is it helping the receivers. But it is destroying the community in one-way or another. There is a much expectation from the community that girls should acquire knowledge for better community. Many of them pretend a lot that they are very smart, but smart people don’t spend many years at the Universities warming those beautiful lectures’ seats.

Best they could do, they should work hard to graduate as soon as expected. But the question on my side is that, why are our girls not graduating? And worse of all they are not even supporting the system (I means to work), it is okay with me (taxpayer) not to work while doing serious studies, but someone could still do a fair bit to support the system that support the nation.

In addition, many of them failed year 12 terribly, and ended up doing bridging course for sometimes in order to get an admission to enter to some universities of their interests. But really, if that was what an individual want, then why didn’t she scarify everything for that reason and study harder to pass year 12.


But that is not the case, many of them do go to school, but they still act far worse than those rejected village girls. I think what most of them are learning today is FREEDOM. But lazy people cannot earn freedom. Simple rule of thumb, ‘to be free you need to work tirelessly to earn it’. You can’t just walk like model in rundle mall (a shopping mall in Adelaide city, Australia), thinking that you are free human beings.

Men are discouraged

Many men who are unsatisfied with girls’ performances leave Australia yearly for Africa to look for someone to marry as a future mother of their unborn children. They are seriously doing this, not because they are old, not graduates, and not that they cannot speak fluent English. They are doing it, because they want quality rather than quantity.

They want wives who are able and ready to run the family like a family business. Real wives are ready to respect their husband and expect to be respected by the husband. Wives who are willing to babysit, teach their children, rather than a Facebook addicts who are willing to babysit those confused people on the Facebook.

Forms four/six leavers in Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan are ten times better than our a few graduates in this country (Australia). Reasons, they are equipped with traditional values like soldiers who are ready for combat against the enemy.

In contrast, our girls in Australia are very poor in handling men. They only think of freedom, which make them not to listen to their partners. Nowadays, they are using real bullets on their victims (men) while village girls are using rubber bullets on their victims (men). Well, THIS SHIT IS HOT!

You would have STAY TUNED! But other factors will not be discussed any further. Sorry for that inconvenient.

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