PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Thanks You Malith Alier

A Comment on the Article “In the SPLM and the SPLA are Slow Learners” by Malith Alier on May 23rd, 2015

By Truthhurt

South Sudan's coat of arms, in which the eagle symbolizes vision, strength, resilience and majesty, and the shield and spear the people’s resolve to protect the sovereignty of their republic and work hard to feed it.
South Sudan’s coat of arms, in which the eagle symbolizes vision, strength, resilience and majesty, and the shield and spear the people’s resolve to protect the sovereignty of their republic and work hard to feed it.

May 24, 2015 (SSB)  —  Thank you Malith for the article, those are exact same questions that any sound minded South Sudanese could ask these heartless gangs both in the SPLM/SPLA or RSS. It is a sad reality that thousands of our innocence South Sudanese lost and will continue to lose their precious lives in the coming days & months purely due to the negligence of these very people who call themselves leaders.

And in the case of Peter Gatdet, even a villager could have not committed that horrible mistake the President, his Advisors & Generals did and put him in charge of Panpandia Division 8 HQS just a few minutes outside Jonglei State capital, Bor-town. The former SPLA Chief of Staff, James Hoth Mai once said this about him just before his last re-defection to the SPLA that, “ Peter Gatdet is someone who cannot spends three months in one place”. And yet, Gen. Hoth and his boss found no reason for concern to scrutinised Peter Gatdet let alone assigned him to Division 8 in such a strategic location.

How many qualified career military officers did the President and his former Chief of Staff had when they chose him for that mission with full knowledge of Peter Gatdet’s defections/re-defections history? Of course, thousands and should anyone of those Generals afforded the opportunity to command Division 8 before December, 2013 crisis our innocence people he mercilessly killed can still be alive today! Their negligence coupled with poor decision-making has brought sufferings and shames to our people and our beloved nation, South Sudan.

I was filled with anger the other night as I watched SSTV news and later followed by Gen. Malaak’s SPLA show on the same TV. Of course, I have no problem seeing those poor SPLA soldiers and their Generals in Malut celebrating Gen. Olony’s militias defeat in Malut County. But the question is “victory” at what costs? Those reckless Ministers and Generals in Juba talked of the so-called Olony’s warships (all three destroyed in Malut) as if he brought them from nowhere when in fact those very ships cost millions if not billions of dollars of our nation’s resources to acquired them in the first place.

I know some people out there would be quick to tell us that Olony was recently ordered to report himself at Bilpam after he fought Governor Kun in April in Malakal but refused. Any right minded person would do exactly the same thing in his situation, who would hope that Olony will comply with such orders may those in Bilpam and only if Olony is the most stupid person in the whole of South Sudan after he attacked Malakal.

There were many opportunities prior to Malakal’s incident in April of which Olony could have been controlled peacefully to avert human and property loss we are now witnessing. Unfortunately, those in the SPLM/SPLA every now and then seem to have little or no time for national issues.

Our people will never witness peace and harmony soon but only when those in the SPLM/SPLA realized that the way they run the nation is not right and begin to put national’s interests first than their own. Or give way to other capable South Sudanese sons and daughters to lead our people because they have failed us.


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