PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Mr. Ban-ki Moon: Request Should not be by Force and its Rejection is not a Crime

By Marol Ariech Mawien, Juba, South Sudan


June 21, 2015 (SSB)  —  It has been circulated in the media that government of the Republic of South Sudan especially H.E president has refuses UNMISS request to allow peacekeepers to bring attack helicopters and UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) equipment’s. President categorically denied the UN request on the basis that U.N. personnel of wanting such weapons and equipment may be an act use of snap caught taking photos, deemed as spies. The refusal of the president to allow demand of peace keepers to bring those equipment’s has been the headlines in the media, and it dominated the house in New York.

What I know, UN is an organization form to govern the world, where all sovereignty states have signed the membership which has all conditions, it surprise me when UN decision is any refusable, it mean they request with condition if you don’t accepted their demand they are going to talk lies against individual or state., because UN to me is an organization which serve the world in the right direction as members states think as well, but now it’s view as they are implementing the needs of supreme states in the other state which is not a right to them.

What is the used of attacking helicopter? Surveillance drone and additional weapons in South Sudan? What are they going to do with such a weapons?, whom are they going to fought with, government or rebels?.

South Sudan as a country has right to purchase such kind of the equipment’s but not UN as an organization to used them in the sovereignty state that mean there are two government in our country South Sudan, UN should respect the system in the country instead of dictating government decision, thinking that they were right at their demand, which will be soon response in New York with government being condemn on his act, doing such is what is called dictatorship how can you force a person to accept your request though it doesn’t favour him/her UN shouldn’t think that they are always at the right truck.

It surprise me when U.N Peacekeeping Chief, Herve Ladsous have however accuses President Kiir for hindering efforts to protect civilians by blocking U.N. attack helicopters and surveillance drones and also for declaring that U.N. personnel caught taking photos will be deemed spies. Kiir has right to not allow any foreigners to brought any dangerous things into the Country, when they are not the authority of the State, the protection of civilians in the country is any deniable but should not be in the extend where they brought in such kind of the equipment. It could be ok when it’s signed by the government and UNMISS under (SOFA).

Where is the trust between UN and government since UN sometime turn against government, in the countries where it has happen, the fresh one was Ivory Coast in Western Africa 2011, president was force and arrest by UN. President Kiir has right to reject their demand which will not be under the government jurisdiction and it is not a crime to reject the request. The mission is allowed to providing protection to the IDPs at the POC sites without doubt but should not proceed to bring anything dangerous which will be a threat to the government, nothing that brought friendship to the neck.

As proverb said that, there was a time where chicken and snake become friends, one day, snake told to the chicken my friend I think we are now the best friends ever in life, so could you allow me to your neck such that you used me as your bead, you be look so beautiful, the chicken said to his friend snake that nothing that related friendship with the neck. It mean chicken did not trust snake, how can government trust UN to bring all the weapons and equipment’s in the country where there is supreme authority.

We all went to the foreign countries, but as a foreigners from other country living in the other country, you are not entitle to take pictures anyhow, without approvable from the authority, so how did UN in South Sudan expected government to just allow taking photos from anything pass near their eyes?. This South Sudan is our country and we are not able to allow non-citizen to do anything they wish to do without rejection from the authority concern, though it is war torn country where a lot of things happening, we as citizens and owners of this nation, have a believe and trust that one very good day, our country South Sudan will be peaceful, stable and developed Nation (insahala).

The current war shouldn’t be used by the people who have hiding agenda to fulfill their expectation in our nation, it cost us a lot and we cannot comfort anybody with it.

The report presented by the UN chief Herve Ladsous to UNSC doing it in order for President Kiir to be seen has somebody who is blocking the peace processes and response with condemnation and also since they have been moving up and down to force sanction to the leaders of South Sudan, they would use such a reports has accuses of sanctions. There is different between purchasing that equipment’s and bringing them to the country and peace processes being block. Protection of civilian is not denying to them that is why their mandate is every year renewable.

Why UN is behaving like African child, here in Africa a child can cry demanding for anything that is not with his/her mother, why does UN think, they are any touchable in their decision or demand. The issue of Toby Lanzer when he was expel by the government, UN was demanding government to reversed their decision, why are they not recognizing any mistake committed by the person that they have assigned for a mission, do they think people working in UN are angels?, or do they think that they shouldn’t be told that they have committed mistakes, it’s really confused which cannot allow anybody to understood their insignia.

Government of the Republic of South Sudan has right to reject any request for more weapons, attack helicopters, surveillance drone and UAVs equipment’s because they have no used. Unless UN has hidden agenda.

John Marol Ariech Mawien is concern South Sudanese living in South Sudan, to be reach at

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