PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

I am not a ‘Politician’ but a Writer on our common national tragedy

“Never ever give up in life, fight forward don´t give up’’

By Abel Majur Leek, Bor, Jonglei State

Sabina Dario Lokolong, deputy minister for humanitarian affairs and disaster management
Sabina Dario Lokolong, deputy minister for humanitarian affairs and disaster management, Nov 2011

November 24, 2015 (SSB)  —  Politics is defined as activities associated with governance of a country or area. From etymological enquiry, the word politics derives from the Greek word ‘politikos’, which means ‘of, for, or relating to citizens.’ Thus, Wikipedia defines politics as ‘an art or science of influencing other people on a civic or individual level.

More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance.’ Politics, therefore, is about the people-exercising power or influence in such a way that there is equitable allocation and management of limited resources, opportunities, and privileges for the happiness, peace, security, good health, and general prosperity of the people.

In South Sudan, the word ‘politics’ has been misused and abused in a manner that this noble art and science now connotes everything that is evil with human relationships in the country. Accordingly, puritans are hateful of being referred to as ‘politicians’. They would say, ‘I am not a politician.’

 Therefore, a ‘politician’, in South Sudan lexicon, is perceived as someone who is dishonest, corrupt, and of very low moral rating.

A study of the holy bible informs any keen student that God takes leadership or governance of nations very seriously. And if politics is about governance of a country or area, then the quality of people involved in it should be highly essential. God calls leaders his avengers, sword-bearers, and ministers.

It is only reasonable that leaders must be on the side of nobility, ethics, empathy, and sympathy. Politics is a noble and high calling. God needs noble and highly disciplined people to get involved with politics for survival of society-its morals, values, and endowments.

South Sudanese of very high moral discipline have been deceived and scared away from the art and science of politics by those who have come to give it a false meaning. As they watch with horror from a distance, society is being destroyed with insidious consequences that shall eventually consume even those puritans and their offspring.

Some pastors and preachers even preach that politics is evil. Those need to study their holy books more closely and repent of this falsehood. Some of us  are either cowardly or selfish in our display of pathological hatred of and disgust for politics.

We are either afraid for our lives at the hands of hijackers and abusers of the art, who falsely call themselves ‘Politicians’, or we are too selfish, thinking only of ‘building our careers’ and ‘securing the future of our children’ to be ‘distracted’ by ‘politics’.

So, some of us remain in universities until we grey away. And when we are old and very senile, we find ‘politics’ a convenient pastime and a waiting venture until our passing. This then is our national tragedy.

Those of us who write about our common national tragedy, who dream of providing good leadership, should search our motives, heart, values, abilities and calling, and come out of hiding and cowardice. I am also speaking to myself.

We have yielded the ground for too long to pretenders and thugs. Yes, a few true politicians have slipped through the narrow cracks into public governance; yet, they are too few to make the kind of difference our people need.

The writer can be

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