PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Time has come for the commission for National Healing, Peace and Reconciliation to start their work across the nation.

By Daniel Machar Dhieu, Juba, South Sudan

peace for south sudan
peace for south sudan

February 5, 2016 (SSB)  —-  I would like to ask the commission for National Healing, Peace and reconciliation to set an awareness to preach all the communities of South Sudan the importance of peace in the nation. All members should be from all the communities and the government should monitor all groups in whatever they are doing. The awareness should be all level of societies in the country.

The awareness team should be mandated to organized campaigns on domestic violence, tribalism, nepotism, corruption and segregationist people. All these should discourage during peace awareness, people should be encourage loving each other as people in one nation.   It will also endeavour to promote justice and democratic principles, to expand human rights and strengthen non-military means of peace-making.

All the citizens should be ask to stop from the growing rate of domestic violence, and increasing problems of national violence, we have no more serious problem in our midst than the problem of violence itself. From child abuse to random killing, from the murder of one to the slaughter of thousands, it is increasingly senseless to merely wait until violence has erupted before addressing the deeper well from which it springs.

All these crimes always caused the nation into political mess like what happened in December 2013 that has resulted to death of thousands and almost half of million is displace. The problem of violent behaviour is actually sadism policy, and therefore, its solution will be, as well through making campaign on peace important. This campaign represents an important collective effort, as national citizens, to do everything we possibly can to save the nation for our children’s children.

Throughout South Sudan, there are many peace-builders and peace-building mind score and thinkers which can implement some projects to develop peace awareness. Those skilled in ameliorating the effects of violence from conflict resolution experts to nonviolent communicators have proven their effectiveness at treating root causes of violence. Peace is more than the absence of war; it is a positive state of being predicated on the presence of a peaceful heart.

Nationally, the Commission for Peace and Non Violence will develop policies and allocate resources to effectively reduce the levels of domestic and gang violence, child abuse, and various other forms of societal discord. Countrywide, the Department will advise Parliament on the most complicated ideas and techniques regarding peace creation among nations.

My point of view is to see that the commission has educated and inspired thousands throughout the country with the knowledge, skill and enthusiasm to become powerful citizen activists on behalf of the Peace regulation in the country.  I always believed that, the peaceful nation is much more importance than a developed country with violence policy.

There is a real need for well-trained people to be able to express an integral approach to the public on progressive issues making them busy throughout time.  I need the peace commission to get back to the concept of true education and true healing if we wish to see a society which will flourish in every way including economically. The vision of the commission is to contribute towards the creation of conservational Peace Philosophy looking to life and ordinary humanism as the core values for a sustainable society.

During the last two years in war, the country has experience a lot of challenges that occurred in the nation as the result of internal war or war within. In simple terms, we have, over the thousands peopled who has actually lost their lives because of war caused by ourselves and this was a hunt for leadership, tribalism and political tracking.

The truth is that all lifecycle of the people across the nation are connected to each other and our initiative attempts to understand what we have become and brightens our future potential is very vital to ourselves. Our people has reached a state of development in which old styles of thinking and behaving threaten to destroy our nation is well understood by many people. Actually we are living through national crisis in which all the people can only accept to reconcile and forgive each other in-order to accommodate peace implementation in the nation.

Those of us who are dedicated to the preservation of national co-existence such as commission for peace, reconciliation and healing in our nation must play a prominent part rebuilding the nation, which calls for a substantial change in our manner of thinking.

On public, environmental and health fronts we are confronting a critical transition. We are facing the results of an epistemology which focuses on material and rational values, human supremacy and competition for domination. The aim of the commission is to contribute towards the national development and acknowledging the common ground of humanity and its connectedness with national affairs to learn that there is peace in the nation.

We actually require urgent ecological, social, economic and political solutions to problems which affect the thousands of people if we are to survive sustainably. The commission aim to create countrywide alliance of individuals and civil service devoted to building a nation of peace in which we all live in freedom, harmony, cooperation and co-prosperity.

In conclusion, I would like to ask my fellow South Sudanese to pardon each other and admit reconciliation as the only option to make factual peaceful implementation in the country. I know our country has been in war for itself for some time as this has traumatise the people to hate themselves, but we have to agree that this is our nation.  We therefore, prerequisite to accept each other to make peace within families, clans, tribe up to national level let preach peace in such a way to build our nation.

The writer is the Student at South Sudan Christian University, Juba South Sudan. Contact him through email:

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