PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Nhial Bol is the rebel therefore 33% of journalists are rebels in S. Sudan

By David Aoloch Bion, Juba, South Sudan

February 11, 2016 (SSB) — Journalists are ought to be ‘’fair, accurate and objective’’ in reporting news but 33% of journalists in South Sudan do not uphold this principle. When the Government of South Sudan accuses some journalists of promoting the rebel ideology by falsifying or fabricating the news, some journalists categorically deny the allegation and they hit back by accusing the Government of attacking the press or freedom of expression .

The premise goes this, Nhial Bol is the journalist. Nhial Bol is the rebel. Therefore 33% of the journalists are rebels in the media houses. Journalist Nhial Bol has joined the rebellion. Therefore Nhial Bol is the test case between the government and some journalists.

Mr . Nhial declared himself a member of SPLM – IO . He confessed that he has been a member of the IO since 2013. He said, he has been working secretly in The Citizen newspaper to spread the IO war propaganda. As Journalist Nhial has been spreading the rebel IO war propaganda in the name of the press freedom therefore, 33% of journalists are spreading rebel propaganda in the name of press freedom in the media houses.

Thus, the question is , Will some journalists vehemently deny if they are harassed or detained by the National Security again ? Hopefully, some journalists will not. Ladies and gentlemen, there are two type of news reporting, 1 . Objective reporting, where a journalist report exactly what happened without polishing, adding the effect or adding his opinion to the story and 2. Subjective reporting, where a journalist added his opinion to the story. And this is what 33% of journalists have been doing, which is the violating journalism ethic

Journalists are ought to be fair, accurate and objective in their reporting the news but 33% of journalist are biased, one-sided and subjective in their reporting. Nhial is epitome of this. In conclusion, the 33% of journalists ought to apologize to the People of the South Sudan for feeding them with biased, one-sided and false news and misleading information; otherwise, no informed citizen will trust 33%..n

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