PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan officially joins African Union

5 min read

South Sudan admitted into the African Union

By Abdul Karim Koroma, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Wednesday 17 August 2011.

Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union Commission (AUC), His Excellency Mr. Andrew Gbebay Bangali, on Monday 15th August 2011 witnessed a land mark historic ceremony when the Republic of South Sudan was formally admitted into the African Union as its 54th Member State.

The event which took place at the AUC Headquarters in Addis Ababa was graced by the diplomatic community, United Nations agencies and representatives of international non governmental organizations based here and a delegation of high level officials from South Sudan paved the way for the latter to take its rightful seat in the African Union.

South Sudan became an independent state on 9 July 2011 following a referendum held in January 2011. The referendum was included in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement which was signed in 2005 between the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the Government of Sudan. The ceremony itself was divided into two parts, one indoor and the other outdoor.

During the indoor occasion, the President of South Sudan, His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit (photo) officially deposited South Sudan’s Instrument of Accession with the African Union. This was followed by the AU and South Sudan’s l anthems. The Instrument of Accession allows South Sudan to play its role as a member state in a bid to contribute to the economic and social development of the continent.

The outdoor ceremony saw the flag raising ceremony both in front of the AUC complex and at the main entrance of the Commission. Earlier, President Mayardit said over a month ago people from all over the world celebrated the end of Africa’s longest civil war.

He lauded the efforts made by the AU in the resolution of the conflict in his country, adding that South Sudan’s flag was first raised at the United Nations in New York on 14th July, 2011.

President Mayardit added: “Many African countries stood by South Sudan in their struggle for independence. The South will always live in peace with the North.”

It can be recalled that the Commission received on the 26th of July 2011, the requisite number of member states affirming to the admission of South Sudan to the African Union. This is in conformity with the provisions of Article 29 of the Constitutive Act relating to AU membership.

Meanwhile on the same day, Ambassador Bangali who also doubles as Sierra Leone’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa or ECA attended a programme themed “One Africa -One Voice Against Hunger.”

“One Africa – One Voice Against Hunger”, is a day which has been dedicated to mobilizing and sensitizing the generality of the African peoples and further reiterates the appeal to member states, the African private sector, the international community, the Diaspora and all well-meaning persons of good will, to donate in kind or in cash so as to fill the funding gap in assisting the affected population in the Horn of Africa.

The day was designed to build momentum towards the Pledging Conference on the Humanitarian Situation in the Horn of Africa slated for 25th August, 2011. Mr. Jerry Rawlings, former President of Ghana and High Representative of the African Union to Somalia gave a synopsis of the situation in Somalia and spoke about the outreach activities he has undertaken so far.

Out of the estimated USD$ 2.5 billion projected to salvage the emergency situation in the Horn of Africa, only a little over USD$ 1 billion has been realized. The meeting was also attended, among others, by Mrs. Juliana Fallah and Mr. Christopher Bockarie, Acting Head of Chancery and Second Secretary respectively of the Sierra Leone Embassy in Addis Ababa.

Ambassador Bangali.

Raising the flag of the republic of South Sudan in Addis Ababa.

South Sudan officially joins African Union

Addis Ababa: South Sudan has officially joined the African Union after two-thirds of member countries accepted Juba’s request for membership.

Africa’s newest state has been welcomed to the continental club following an elaborate ceremony held on Tuesday at the bloc’s Addis Ababa headquarters.

South Sudan now becomes the 54th member of the regional grouping established in 2002 as a successor to the defunct Organisation of African Unity.

The South Sudanese flag was hoisted at the AU compound by President Salva Kiir Mayardit and bloc chief Jean Ping, followed by a joyful national anthem performed by a brass band that had travelled from Juba.

The ceremony was well attended by representatives from all African countries in addition to other invited guests.

South Sudan will now formally take over its permanent seat at AU meetings, next to that of the Sudanese government.

“We were around the outside of this building for many years but we were never allowed to enter but today we are here sitting with you,” Mr Kiir told those in attendance.

Mr Ping urged member countries that had not responded to the AU Commission’s communication on Juba’s membership to do so, while calling on both the North and South to resolve pending issues under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed between the two opposing sides in 2005.

President Kiir promised his government would work hard to sustain peace and fulfil the expectations of South Sudanese and Africans by ensuring social-economic progress.

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