PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Latest South Sudan jobs: August 18, 2011

5 min read

Tender Notice – Printing of Textbooks

Save the Children in South Sudan is seeking a qualified and competent company to print and bind 100,000 (approx) x Education Textbooks. These will be:
  • Advanced Learning Programme (ALP) Books and ALP Learning Outcome Books
  • Levels 1 to 8, Mathematics, English, Science and Social Studies
  • Primary Books
    • STD 1 to 8, Mathematics, English, Science and Social Studies
  • Primary Teachers’ Guides
    • STD 1 to  8, Mathematics, English, Science and Social Studies
  • Curriculum Books, Volume 1 and 2
  • SCiSS is therefore looking for a well experienced, fully registered and financially capable contractor to print and bind the required materials in accordance to the required standards, and deliver them to the Save the Children warehouse in Hai Malakal, Juba. The Contract will be awarded in accordance with Save the Children’s Procurement Policy to assess the bids and select the most suitable candidate.
    Interested companies are invited to collect the Tender Documents, containing the full information, from  Daniel Bul, Procurement Manager at Save the Children Juba Office, in Hai Malakal. Alternatively, please contact Daniel Bul,at, copying, to receive an electronic copy of the Tender Documents.
    The bids will need to be submitted to the Save the Children Juba Office before or by close of business on Monday 5thSeptember 2011. If you have any questions, please contact Daniel Bul, Procurement Manager or on +249 (0)922407186.


    — Tender Notice – Printing of Textbooks*

    Save the Children in South Sudan is seeking a qualified and competent
    company to print and bind 100,000 (approx) x Education Textbooks.
    These will

    – Accelerated Learning Programme (ALP) Books and ALP Learning
    Outcome Books
    – Levels 1 to 4, Mathematics, English, Science and Social

    – Show quoted text –

    before or by close of business on Monday 5th September 2011. If you

    have any
    questions, please contact Daniel Bul, Procurement Manager at or on +249 (0)922407168.

    RFQ for the Security Services to The FARM Project.docx RFQ for the Security Services to The FARM Project.docx
    64K   View   Download
     Nutrition Survey Coordinator
    Location: South Sudan
    Application Closing Date: Aug 21st, 2011

    Job Description

    Malaria Consortium is an international organisation working globally,
    particularly in Africa and Southeast Asia, on malaria and other
    communicable disease control. In South Sudan MC provides support to
    the Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Government of South Sudan (GoSS).
    This includes high level technical support for the development of
    policies, guidelines, and strategies.

    Malaria Consortium is implementing a nutrition programme in two states
    (five counties) in South Sudan.  As part of this programme, SMART
    surveys are to be completed pre- and post- hunger gap in order to
    inform nutrition programming in the country.  Malaria Consortium is
    therefore seeking a Survey Coordinator to plan and execute post hunger
    gap SMART surveys.  The position will be responsible for the
    preparation, organisation and implementation of the surveys.  The work
    will last for a period of 5-10 weeks, and is scheduled to start at the
    beginning of September (to be confirmed dependent on our partner
    organisations).  Candidates should therefore only apply if they are
    available to start within this timeframe.

    The successful candidate will:

    •      Be a nutritionist, sociologist, nurse, have a public health
    degree, or experience/qualificatons in another related field.
    •       Have experience implementing nutrition surveys, ideally using
    SMART methodology and in accurately weighing and measuring children
    •       Have proven experience in logistics, staff training and
    management of teams
    •       Be proficient in survey software: ENA for SMART is essential
    and at least one of: SPSS, Epi Info or STATA
    •       Be able to work independently in a challenging context
    •       Be able to collaborate with a range of stakeholders including
    the Ministry of Health, other NGO partners and Malaria Consortium
    •       Be fluent in English
    •       Experience of working in South Sudan is essential

    How to apply

    Please send  a covering letter outlining how you meet the person
    specification along with your CV to Human Resources at

    Please quote the position and country in the subject line of your

    Due to the urgency of this position, please note that we will be
    reviewing applications on a daily basis. We appreciate your
    application however, only short listed candidates will be contacted.

    3 attachmentsDownload all attachments

    Community Mobilizer and Hygiene Promoter Ad.doc Community Mobilizer and Hygiene Promoter Ad.doc
    66K View Download
    Construction Platform Technician Ad.doc Construction Platform Technician Ad.doc
    54K View Download
    Water Quality Officer Advert.doc Water Quality Officer Advert.doc
    46K View Download
    South Sudan Program.docx South Sudan Program.docx
    20K View Download

    The USAID FARM Project is looking for a company to provide service to the project for generator, air condition and electrical maintainance. Please find attached RFQ for your wider circulation.

    RFQ for Generators and Air-conditions.docx RFQ for Generators and Air-conditions.docx
    65K View Download

    Tender Notice – Printing of Textbooks

    Save the Children in South Sudan is seeking a qualified and competent company to print and bind 100,000 (approx) x Education Textbooks. These will be:

    • Advanced Learning Programme (ALP) Books and ALP Learning Outcome Books
    • Levels 1 to 8, Mathematics, English, Science and Social Studies

    Primary Books

    • STD 1 to 8, Mathematics, English, Science and Social Studies

    Primary Teachers’ Guides

    • STD 1 to 8, Mathematics, English, Science and Social Studies

    Curriculum Books, Volume 1 and 2 SCiSS is therefore looking for a well experienced, fully registered and financially capable contractor to print and bind the required materials in accordance to the required standards, and deliver them to the Save the Children warehouse in Hai Malakal, Juba. The Contract will be awarded in accordance with Save the Children’s Procurement Policy to assess the bids and select the most suitable candidate.

    Interested companies are invited to collect the Tender Documents, containing the full information, from Daniel Bul, Procurement Manager at Save the Children Juba Office, in Hai Malakal. Alternatively, please contact Daniel Bul,at d.bul, copying s.lebassie, to receive an electronic copy of the Tender Documents.

    The bids will need to be submitted to the Save the Children Juba Office before or by close of business on Monday 5thSeptember 2011. If you have any questions, please contact Daniel Bul, Procurement Manager atd.bul or on +249 (0)922407186.

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