PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ’arrest and torture’

3 min read

August 24, 2011 (JUBA) – Warrap’s Legislative Assembly summoned the state’s governor to appear before members of the house to explain the arrest and alleged torture of one of its members by South Sudan’s security services, a state lawmaker said on Wednesday.

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Nyandeng Malek, governor of Warrap State (

The assembly argued that members of parliament are public figures and that no arrest should be initiated against them without following appropriate procedures due to their parliamentary immunity.

Warrap state MP Ariec Mayar Ariec described the arrest of his colleague as an abuse of authority in a bid to silence critics of the state’s executive.

“The arrest of honorable Dominic Deng Mayom Akeen surprises a lot as it shows how lawless the state has become”, Ariec told Sudan Tribune in a telephone interview from Kuacjok today.

He said his colleague, who represents Tonj North County, was picked up at gunpoint by four heavily armed members of South Sudan’s military on August 23, at 7pm at Kuacjok Market. He was then driven to a nearby army barracks where he spent the night and was badly treated according to Ariec.

“He sustained some contusions (bruises) which show he was beaten. This is unacceptable. As a member of parliament, he has constitutional waiver that he cannot be arrested without following proper procedures”, Ariec said.

The lawmaker explained that the arrest of the member of the assembly prompted the house to convene a special session in which members unanimously agreed to pass a resolution summoning the state governor, Nyandeng Malek Deliech for an explanation.

Akeen’s relatives and members of house told Sudan Tribune that Akeen was badly tortured before his release on August 24 after the involvement of the state assembly.

Ariec accused the governor of ordering his arrest for a statement he made to the media about prevalence of hunger in the area and subsequent death of 358 people. A charge governor denies knowing anything connected to the arrest of the Member of Parliament.

“I heard he was detained but I did not know the cause of his detention. That was why I had to call him to inquire why he was arrested”, said governor Nyandeng without giving additional comments on Wednesday.

South Sudan’s Warrap state continues to deny the prevalence of hunger, food shortages and malnutrition in some areas, causing the state parliament this week to warn that the executive must accept the truth and assist the affected population.

Earlier this month 358 people, most of them are believed to be returnees from North Sudan, are reported to have died of hunger. Warrap state authorities deny the deaths were due to hunger and have attributed the cause to an outbreak of disease.

However, members of the state assembly staged a backbench rebellion against the governor saying that the cause of death in the area has nothing to do with disease but a manifestation of prevalence of real hunger which the state should address without prejudice.


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