PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Pastoral invitation letter for praying services in Edmonton Alberta! You are cordially invited!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Invitation letter to all Nuer community’s members; spiritual leaders and the South Sudanese community at large.

Dear brothers and sisters,

It is our utmost pleasure to forward our morning greeting to you in the name of almighty God. Last two weeks ago, our brothers, sisters; mothers and fathers were caught in sudden attack which had resulted in the loss of thousands of people. They were attacked by our neighbor brothers whom we shared the sense of identity, believe, regional interest and religion as well.

Today, we the Lou Nuer clergy, leaders, intellectuals and the society at large are very delighted to thanks you for your emotional support in this critical and tough time of mourning the lost of our heroes and parents. It has been noticed that the attack had taken the life of thousands of brothers, and sisters whom we all believe can be the leaders of tomorrow.

While we were still mourning the death of our beloved one in the diaspora; the situation on the ground is still worsening than we can imagine. There are many people who were wounded and thousands of children/infants who left hanging in the burned villages without mothers and fathers. These infants are dying in the hands of survivors because some of them were little as one month/days old.

We had received many calls from the ground that the people are dying because there are no medicines, no food or milk to feed the orphans, and there is no better team of the people to search the forest for those little one who ran to bush when the attack started. The lack of medicines, health workers and the basic shelters such as tents are some of the urgent things needed in the villages.

It had been confirmed recently that many wounded children, men, and women had passed away in local health facilitates in the local area plus most of the children who were found dead in the forest due to the lack of water, and psychological reaction. Therefore, our people are still in critical and tough situation as we speak and the villagers have no alternatives ways to provide basic needs to the infants left as little as three days.

As I speak, the number of death doubled the first report and it still rapidly increasing as the government failed to provide medicines to heal the wounds of the patients, and nurse those in critical situation. The villagers were calling the government to transfer some of the wounded individuals to better health centers yet there is no better respond or answer to the call being made earlier to rescue those who are in the line of death.

Today, we the Lou Nuer clergy had proposed a praying service to pray for all those who are in critical situation and those who had passed away there in Uror County, Jonglei. The purpose of this praying will serve as contribution to help or offer an hand to the villagers who are still nursing the beloved people especially infants who left hanging without mothers and fathers in the villages.

It will also serve as “get together” for further project which may or may not help our entire society as South Sudanese. The insecurity in Jonglei has been there quiet long but solution will never come from any other elements outside us. We are the peacemakers, conflict mediators and we will be the one to bring the lasting solution to this deadly and repeatedly conflict within us.

Once again, the Lou Nuer clergy have invited you with the sense of hope that we are one family of Christ. As biblical literature said, “if one part of the body is in pain, the other body will also be in pain.” We have acknowledged that we condemn the act together and therefore, it shown that our body is one. Let us stand high to minimize the violent through the modality that can use nonviolent approach to solve our difference in the region as well as in the country. We asked you to extend this invitation to all members of South Sudanese community to come and share the words of God, encourage each other to move forward, and contribute fully base on our ability as people one Christ, one region, and one country who can change and help the nation while condemning their act of unfriendly.

Detail of praying service
What? Praying service for the Lou Nuer community’s members who had lost their life in recent attack in the Uror County, Jonglei.

When? September 4th on Sunday………Sept 4th/2011
Place? First Church of Nazarene. The address is 14320 – 94 St in Edmonton, Alberta.

The Lou Nuer members invited all members to come and share this mourning praying service together. We appreciate you strong support and we still want your present in this occasion.

God bless you!
Faithfully submitted,

Rev- James D. Kwek.
1 780 643 3177
Rev- Joseph Makuei Nhial
1-403 698 4760

Cc: Sudanese community leaders and members

Cc: Dinka Community Association in Alberta

Cc: Equartorian Community Association ,,,,,,
Cc: Aweil Community Association ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cc: Padang Community in Alberta

Cc: Bor Community Association in Alberta
Cc: Sub-Nuer communities/counties in Alberta
Cc: Sudanese elders for peace and spirituals leaders in Alberta
Cc: Anyuak Community Association in Alberta
Cc: Murle Community Association in Alberta

Cc: Panaruu Community Association in Alberta
Cc: Ruweny Community Association in Alberta
Cc: Sudanese organization operating in Alberta
Cc: Splm Chapter Members in Alberta
Cc:: Nuer Communities in alberta.

Cc: All Southern Sudanese Churches in Alberta.

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