PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Wikileaks on SPLM Leadership under Salva Kiir

C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KHARTOUM 000513 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958:  DECL: 02/28/2016 TAGS: PGOV PREL PINR SU SUBJECT:  SUDAN: AN ANALYSIS OF THE NEW SPLM LEADERSHIP LINE-UP REF: A. KHARTOUM 219 B. KHARTOUM 229 Classified  By: DCM Andrew Steinfeld for reasons: Section 1.4(b) and (d) 

——————- Summary and Comment ——————-

1. (U) SUMMARY and COMMENT: In preparation for an upcoming national convention, SPLM Chairman and Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) President Salva Kiir announced the  reformation of the SPLM leadership council, dissolved by John Garang just before his  death in July 2005. The leadership council, broken down into an Interim Executive Committee and a more senior Interim Political Bureau, is an important step in the  restructuring of the SPLM into a political party (Note: The committees are interim  until confirmed by a convention). Kiir also announced the formation of the SPLM Secretariat and secretariats for Southern Sudan and southern sector states. SIPDIS No separate secretariat for northern Sudan was announced, although northern states South Kordofan and Southern Blue Nile are included in the southern sector states secretariat.

2. (C) The committees may be a response to calls for reform made by former members of Garang’s inner circle as outlined to Assistant Secretary Frazer during her last visit to Khartoum (ref A). During that meeting, the group mentioned two things they wanted Salva Kiir to do: publicly complain about the NCP stalling CPA implementation, and form a new leadership committee to reform and refocus the SPLM. A month later, he has done both (ref B). 3. (U) While Kiir’s list generally follows the ranking set by Garang before his death, there are a few significant variations, most notably giving the number 2 position to Pagan Amum. Rebecca Garang is number 32 on the Executive Committee and number 21 on the Political Bureau. It is also worth noting that no active duty SPLA soldiers are on the list. End Summary and Comment.

————————– A Mixed Bag for Garangists ————————–

3. (C) Although the formation of these two councils seems to be at the behest of the Garang inner circle, the listing shows both good and bad for those closest to the former leader. While the announcement does not specifically say that the Executive Committee list is numbered according to rank order within the party, the SPLM has been very hierarchical and the list is nearly identical to the ranking put out by John Garang and used to determine leadership after his death. The listing is completely independent of position within the GoSS or Government of National Unity (GNU), with some GNU ministers listed lower than State Ministers and GoSS Advisors.

4. (C) The most significant change from the previous list, and the only change in the top 15, is the position of Pagan Amum, a close associate of Dr. Garang, who maintains the title of Secretary General but is listed at number 2, up from number 11. However, other members of Garang’s inner circle do not necessarily fare as well. Most remain unchanged, but Rebecca Garang, previously unlisted because of the role she held while her husband is alive, is listed as number 32.

The other notable additions to the list—

Telar Ring Deng (17), Aleu Ayieny Aleu (18), Dr. Tabithat Butrus Shokia (19), Rev. Dr. Harun Lual Ruun (20), John Luk Jok (36), and Remy Oler (42)– are thought to be close to Salva Kiir.

— — Political Bureau Better for Garangist and North ——————

5. (C) The more senior, 23-member Interim Political Bureau follows the ranking of  the Interim Executive Committee exactly for the first 18 positions. However, the final five positions give a bump to Rebecca Garang, Awut Deng Acuil, and northern party members Dr. Mansour Khalid and Yassir Arman. All are part of the Garang inner-circle; they would not have been in the Political Bureau had Kiir taken only the top 23 names from the executive committee list. Northern SPLM spokesperson Walid Hamid serves on neither committee.

—– Text of the Chairman’s Resolutions ———————

6. (U) The following is the text of SPLM Chairman’s Resolution No. 5 establishing the Interim Political Bureau and signed by Salva Kiir on February 21, 2006.  

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(Begin Text) Considering His Excellency, the late leader and Chairman of the SPLM, Council’s Resolution No.1 of July 2005, dissolving the Leadership Council; In view of the Chairman’s Resolution Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, Resolution  No. 3 of August 2005, re-instating the Leadership Council and focusing on the  importance of realizing effective political leadership of the SPLM to the transitional process, I, Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, Chairman of the SPLM hereby re-institute and expand the SPLM Leadership Council and forming it to serve as an Interim Political Bureau and National Executive Council pending holding of the Second National Convention.  

I – Interim Political Bureau

1. Lt. Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit, SPLM Chairman 2. Mr. Pagan Amum Okiech, SPLM Secretary General 3. Dr. Riek Machar Teny, Member 4. Mr. James Wani Igga, Member 5. Mr. Daniel Awet Akol, Member 6. Mr. Kuol Manyang Juk, Member 7. Mr. Lual Ding Wol, Member 8. Mr. Nhial Deng Nhial, Member 9. Mr. Samuel Abu John, Member 10. Mr. Malik Agar Iyre, Member 11. Mr. Deng Aloor Kuol, Member 12. Mr. John Kong Nyuon, Member 13. Mr. Abdel Aziz Adam El Hilu, Member 14. Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, Member 15. Dr. Theopholus Ochang, Member  16. Dr. Peter Nyot Kok, Member 17. Mr. Telar Ring Deng, Member 18. Mr. Aleu Anyieny Aleu, Member 19. Dr. Mansour Khalid, Member 20. Mrs. Awut Deng Acuil, Member 21. Mrs. Rebecca Nyadeng de Mabior, Member 22. Dr. Tabitha Butrus Shokai, Member 23.  Mr, Yasir Saeed Arman, Member

II – SPLM Interim Executive Committee

1. Lt. Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit, SPLM Chairman 2. Mr. Pagan Amum Okiech, SPLM Secretary General 3. Dr. Riek Machar Teny, Member 4. Mr. James Wani Igga, Member 5. Mr. Daniel Awet Akol, Member 6. Mr. Kuol Manyang Juk, Member 7. Mr. Lual Ding Wol, Member 8. Mr. Nhial Deng Nhial, Member 9. Mr. Samuel Abu John, Member 10. Mr. Malik Agar Iyre, Member 11. Mr. Deng Aloor Kuol, Member 12. Mr. John Kong Nyuon, Member 13. Mr. Abdel Aziz Adam El Hilu, Member 14. Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, Member 15. Dr. Theopholus Ochang, Member 16. Dr. Peter Nyot Kok, Member 17. Mr. Telar Ring Deng, Member 18. Mr. Aleu Anyieny Aleu, Member 19. Dr. Tabitha Butrus Shokai, Member 20. Rev. dr. Harun Lual Ruun, Member 21. Mr. Paul Mayom Akee, Member 22. Fr. George L. Kinga, Member 23. Mr. Kosti Manibe, Member 24. Prof. George Bureng Nyombe, Member 25. Dr. Justin Yaac Arop, Member 26. Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth, Member 27. Mr. David Deng Athorbei, Member 28. Mr. Timothy Tot Chol, Member 29. Mr. William Ajal Deng, Member 30. Dr. Mansour Khalid, Member 31. Mr. Yasir Saeed Arman, Member 32. Mrs. Rebecca Nyadeng de Mabior, Member 33. Mrs. Awut Deng Acuil, Member 34. Mr. Anthony Lino Makana, Member 35. Arthur Akuen Chol, Member 36. Mr. John Luk Jok, Member 37. Dr. Samson L. Kwaje, Member 38. Mr. Gier Chuang Aluong, Member 39. Dr. Ann Itto, Member 40. Dr. Festo Kumba, Member 41. Mrs. Mary Kiden, Member 42. Dr. Remy Oler, Member 43. Mr. Atem Garang Deng de Kuek, Member 44. Dr. Luka Manoje, Member 45. Dr. Luka Biong Beng, Member 46. Mrs. Jemma Nunu Kumba, Member 47. Dr. Prescilla Nyanyang, Member

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48. Mr. Hussien Mar Nyut, Member 49. Mr. Ramadan Shemeila, Member 50. Mr, Deng Monydit, Member 51. Mr. Peter Bashir Bandi, Member 52. Mrs. Abuk Paiti Ayiik, Member 53. Mr. Kom Kom Geg, Member 54. Mr. William Wur Derdor, Member 55. Mrs. Mary Nyawulang, Member 56. Prof. Barry Wanji, Member  57. Mr. Nartisio Loloke, Member Done under my hand on this day (21.2.06) February, 2006, Juba, Southern Sudan (Signature) Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit Chairman, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) (End Text) 7. (U) The following is the text of SPLM Chairman’s Resolution No. 4 establishing the SPLM Secretariat, the Southern Secretariat and the Southern Sector States Secretariat, also signed by Slava Kiir on February 21, 2006. SIPDIS

Begin text

Reflecting on the SPLM Chairman’s Resolution, His Excellency our late leader Dr. John Garang de Mabior Resolution No. 1 of July 2005, dissolving the SPLM Leadership Council, and Resolution No. 2 of July 2005 appointing supervisors for Southern and Northern Sectors, I, Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, Chairman of the SPLM hereby make the following dispositions and appointments: 1) Interim Secretariat for the purpose of preparing and organizing the SPLM in preparation to holding of the SPLM National Convention 2) Interim Southern Sudan Secretariat and 3) Interim Southern Sector States Secretariat  

I- Interim SPLM Secretariat

1. Mr. Pagan Amum Okiech, Secretary General 2. Mr. Abdel-Aziz Adam El-Hilu, Deputy Secretary General Northern Sector 3. Dr. Luka Manoja, Deputy Secretary General Southern Sector 4. Dr. Luka Biong Deng, National Treasurer 5. Mr. Peter Agoth Liol, Deputy National Treasurer

II- Interim Southern Sudan Secretariat

1. Dr. Luka Manoja, Deputy Secretary General 2. Mr. James Lual Deng Kuel, Secretary for Political and Organizational Affairs 3. Mr. Gabriel Alaak Garang, Secretary for Administration 4. Mr. Lawrence Korbandi, Secretary for States Affairs 5. Mr. Martin Majut, Secretary for Syndicated Organizations 6. Mr. Mading Deng Kuol, Secretary for Information and Culture 7. Mr. Henry Wani Rondiang, Secretary for External Affairs 8. Mr. Simon Kiman Lado, Treasurer

III- Interim Southern sector States Secretariat

1. Mr. Antipas Nyok, Jonglei 2. Mr. Felix Otudaha, Eastern Equatoria 3. Mr. Bukulu Edward, Western Equatoria 4. Mr. Stephen Wondu, Central Equatoria (Note: Currently known as Bahr el-Jabal, although an official name change is expected soon. End Note.) 5. Mr. Khor Diew Gai, Upper Nile 6. Mr. John Mangok, Warrap 7. To be appointed after consultation with the state, Unity 8. Mr. Samuel Mathiang Keer, Lakes 9. Mr. Efisio Kon Uguak, Western Bahr el Ghazal 10. Mr. Ajou Garang Deng, Northern Bahr el Ghazal 11. Simon Kalu, Southern Kordofan 12. Mr, Jabir Bakheit, Southern Blue Nile Done under my hand on this day February, 2006, Juba, Southern Sudan (Signature) Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit Chairman, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM)

End Text



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