PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

NCP offensive against the SPLA/N in Blue Nile fails

Press Release

NCP offensive against the SPLA/N in Blue Nile fails: Latest Update, Sept.8th,2011
NCP continues to use food as a weapon, denies access to humanitarian assistance in the two areas

The SPLA/N has defeated a major NCP offensive on September 7th, 2011, destroying a convoy on the outskirts of Damazin and capturing the last remaining NCP garrison of Khor Dahab which has been used as a base for assembling and mobilizing forces to attack Gissan town.

The NCP attack was launched from two main axes , namely Eastern Part of Blue Nile- Gissan-Menza, where the SPLA/N has cleared the whole Eastern sector from the NCP forces.

With the fall of Khor Dahab garrison, the SPLA/N is in full control of the Eastern sector. Meanwhile, in the South Western Sector, the NCP mobilized and sent a convoy of two battalions plus towards Dundru- Kurmuk road. They were intercepted by the SPLA/N forces only 21 kilometers South of Damazin. The force was repulsed and dispersed, leaving behind all their equipment including, tanks, artillery and mounted Toyota land cruiser vehicles. NCP Antinov airplanes have been bombarding the site throughout the night in an attempt to deny the SPLA/N the equipment by destroying them. Yet, in the morning, the SPLA/N took three mounted Toyota land cruisers and one mounted Ural truck. The search of the areas for the equipment continues. In a separate development, the SPLA/ N captured the strategic garrison of Seilak in the South Western part of Blue Nile. The SPLA/N forces are moving towards Bot, the only garrison remaining for the NCP forces in the South Western part of Blue Nile up to border of the neighboring Republic South Sudan.
In a related development, the SPLA/N received huge supplies of ammunitions and medicines dropped by the reluctant NCP Air Force, who inadvertently dropped the loads to our areas. By so doing, General Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein, NCP Minister of Defense, has become the SPLA/N Quarter-Master General. We thank him for that.

Meanwhile, the SPLM/N leadership last week, after the NCP’s unwarranted attack in Blue Nile, resolved that General Malik Agar would be the Commander-in-Chief of the SPLA/N in Northern Sudan while General Abdel Aziz Adam El Hilu would be the Chief of Staff of the SPLA/N. The rest of the General Staff will be announced. Hence, the SPLA/N is to be developed as a national liberation army. Its main goal is to achieve the aspirations of the Sudanese people in restructuring the center in Khartoum; and also to realize just peace, democracy, equal citizenship, good relations with our neighbors and the international community.

It is worth mentioning that the Sudanese Air Forces is extensively bombarding the civil population areas and civil installations, including worship sites. As a result, thousands of people are now displaced while others have either been maimed or killed.

The NCP continues the same policies that it started in Southern Kordofan in Blue Nile, denying the civilian population in the areas controlled by the NCP the right to stay in the displaced camps and pushing them back towards war zones. By doing so, they are being used as human shields.

Likewise, the NCP is denying access to the international organization to the areas controlled by the SPLM/N using food as a weapon, an act which constitutes a war crime. The only organization that is allowed even in the NCP controlled area is the Red Crescent and similar agencies. These are NGoS that are controlled by NCP security agencies. They lack capacities and yet experienced international organizations are being denied access to the areas.

Arbitrary arrests for leaders and cadres of the SPLM/N are continuing all over Northern Sudan. This is in addition to closure of offices, confiscation of vehicles and properties. In the Northern State, the National Congress Security Agencies arrested Mohammed Mahmoud Al Awad, the SPLM/N political secretary of the Northern State in the city of Dongulla along with Hashim Musa, the Finance Secretary, Shams Eldin from the Finance Secretariat, Ibrahim Gasim, Mirghani Tiya and Maker Deng Kur, a former SPLM/N member from the Republic South Sudan. In Western Darfur, the security forces closed down all offices, arrested Ustaz Arbab Mohamed Ibrahim, the SPLM/N Candidate for the position of governor of Western Darfur, Saad Sandell, former State Legislative Assembly member, Abu Baker Yousif Zakaria, secretary of the SPLM/N for Administration and Organizations, Daoud Arbab, Secretary of Finance, and Samer Yousif, secretary of Women Affairs. In South Darfur, offices were closed down, documents and properties confiscated and many were arrested. Among them are Abu baker Haroun, the Chairperson of Eldain District, whose whereabouts are not known. In Kassala State, eastern Sudan, offices were closed down in Kassala city and all districts. Properties and documents were confiscated. Among those arrested was the secretary general of the SPLM/N Khalid Abdel Qawi. They went as far as interrogating his old mother, his wife and sister. A well known SPLM/N activist Nazar Bushara has also been arrested. They further arrested the chairperson of Wed El Heleiu District and other SPLM/N members.

1-It has evidently become clear to the NCP that the eradication of the SPLM/N is a not a picnic. It is a wishful thinking and a mission impossible.

2-The NCP propaganda that the Government of the republic of South Sudan is behind what is going in the two areas does not hold water. The NCP themselves were fighting in the two areas and have had problems in these areas for the last 22 years of their rule. In contrast, the Government of the Republic of South is just two months old. The NCP is clearly looking for a scapegoat to hang their defeats. The NCP fought the people of Eastern Sudan, Darfur and the South Sudan long before the Republic of South Sudan was born. The current conflict is a creation of the NCP in that they sowed the seed of the problem when they voluntarily destroyed the CPA; attempted to disarm the SPLA/N and rejected the Addis Ababa Framework Agreement.

3-The SPLM/N and other resistance movements and democratic forces are determined to put an end the illusive NCP program of the second Islamic Republic, a Taliban Republic that is based on heavy human cost and loss, denial of diversity, ethnic cleansing, genocide and terrorism.

Yasir Arman
SPLM/N Secretary General
September, 8th, 2011

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