PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Urgent Appeal from Blue Nile Association North America

Blue Nile Association North America 10/04/2011

Urgent Appeal

A human catastrophe is in the making in Blue Nile State south east Sudan.

The Government of Sudan continues the mass killing and displacement of tens of thousands of civilians in the Blue Nile State.

The Satellite Sentinel project (SSP) released a highly alarming report on September 23rd. based on substantial satellite photography, indicating that armed forces of Khartoum ‘s Government are mobilizing in a massive formation of armor, troops, , and a military aircrafts “ heavy camouflaged mechanized units comprising at least a brigade (3000 troops or more, these forces appear to be equipped with heavy armor and artillery and supported by helicopter gunships.

The aerial bombardment on Kurmuk and surrounding areas had already started and is continuing for several days, and now preparing for the ground assault. Many civilians were killed, many were injured and many others ran away seeking refuge in the creaks. There is a serious shortage of food and medical supplies. Humanitarian agencies are denied access.

We call for the UN, UN Security Council, US and the international community to step up and take responsibility to:-

1/ Stop the aerial bombing of civilians and impose a NO Fly Zone.

2/ Press the government of Sudan to let Humanitarian agencies to aid the victims whom are in desperate need of help.

3/ we demand an independent Investigation of atrocity in Blue Nile

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