PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Salva Kiir is Right to make Lam Akol Vice-president

2 min read

By Gordon Buay, Canada.

I will support Salva Kiir Mayardit if he appoints Lam Akol as vice-president or second vice-president of South Sudan as it is now proposed. From intellectual point of view, Lam Akol has a brilliant and superb brain that can socially transform the South. Anybody who reads his three books and five academic articles published in journals would come to conclusion that the man is a gifted thinker who can contribute to South Sudan development as a vice-president.

I read all Dr. Lam Akol’s books and journal articles and realized that he has a thinking brain unlike his dormant colleagues who have not yet published any academic work let alone writing articles. History also attests that the idea of Nasir Declaration that brought self-determination came from him. Lam Akol was the intellectual author of the coup and the father of self-determination. He was in fact the one who wrote the document of the coup "Why Garang Must Go Now?".

If Salva Kiir will make him either the first or second vice-president, he will introduce a lot of changes in South Sudan. There is no doubt about his intellectual capabilities when it comes to scientific analysis of the problems facing South Sudan. I think Salva Kiir is growing up by realizing that Lam Akol would help him better than members of the SPLM who are not thinkers. This time South Sudan needs thinkers who can solve social, political and economic problems of our people.

I will support those calling for Dr. Lam Akol to become a vice-president. At this time we should support South Sudanese who have brains to help our people instead of one’s tribal politicians who cannot deliver. Any thinking Nuer will come to conclusion that Lam Akol is better than a Nuer who cannot scientifically solve the economic, social and political problems facing Nuerland. I have said it many times in this Nuer forum that a Ugandan who can socially transform the South economically, democratically and politically is better than a Nuer guy who doesn’t think.

Gordon Buay

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