South Sudanese Scholarships to Egypt
JUBA, 5 October 2011 – The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology has announced 60 scholarship opportunities offered by the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Juba. Please, click below here for the details.
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South Sudanese Scholarships to Egypt
Speech of Head of RSS Mission in Canada
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I take this opportunity to thank the organizers of the “STAND Leadership Conference” for inviting me to share with you the joy of the people of the Republic of South Sudan and the suffering of the marginalized people of the Sudan proper. (Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile regions)
I also bring you warm greetings from our President H.E Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit and the people of the Republic of South Sudan. The People of South Sudan are grateful to all Canadians and peace loving individuals for standing firm with the marginalized people of the Sudan during the 22 years of struggle for just and equitable peace in the Sudan.
We encourage you to keep standing with the people of the Blue Nile, Nuba Mountains and Darfur, because they have become the second southern Sudan, I think the rulers in Khartoum have a problem with their southern part of the country, before it was us now is Southern Blue Nile, and southern Kordofan or (Nuba Mountains)
The Republic of South Sudan became an independent state just three month ago. Geographically, Sudan in the North, Central African Republic in the West, Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda in the South, Kenya and Ethiopia in the East border the Country.
It covers a total area of more than 619,000 square kilometers and more than 80% of the land is suitable for Agricultural development.
South Sudan is divided into ten administrative units called State. They are: Central Equatoria, Western Equatoria, Jongolei, Upper Nile, Unity, Warrap, Northern Bahr El Ghazal, Western Bahr El Ghazal, Lakes, and Eastern Equatoria States respectively.
The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement party (SPLM) is the major party in power since the last general elections of April 2010. However, since the signing of the comprehensive Peace agreement, CPA in 2005, the SPLM party has included all the active political parties in the South into the government.
After Independence in July 9th, 2011 the President of the Republic of South Sudan has formed a government of national unity, a government that has empowered women into some of the most important cabinet positions. All the political parties in the south are members of the cabinet
In the economic field, the country is adopting capitalist or market oriented system to attract foreign investments for accelerating economic development. The country is gifted with immense natural resources. We are also open for Public Private Partnership in our journey for economic development of all our economic sectors including the oil sector.
Currently, the only oil fields being exploited are those in Unity State, and Upper Nile States. The Ministry of Petroleum and Mining is in the process of expanding explorations into Jongolei, Warrap and parts of Eastern Equatoria State for oil, gas and other natural resources such as Gold, Diamond, Uranium and Nickel.
The Republic of South Sudan enjoys a very good relationship with its neighbours to the East and South. With the northern neighbours the relations is tense due to the occupation of Abyei by the Sudan Armed Forces, the un-demarcated borders, the wars in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan.
In the West we are still dealing with the notorious Lord Resistance Army LRA of Joseph Konyi hiding in the border areas between South Sudan and Central African Republic or DRC Congo. We are in favour of soft border to encourage trade between the two nations, we are in favour of dual citizenship, but our brothers in the north are not in favour of dual citizenship.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Having said that, please allow me to take few minutes to try to answer some of the questions that most people are thinking about, regarding the political developments in South Sudan.
- What groups/coalitions inside South Sudan are opposed to RSS or are threatening the unity of the country? What elements of South Sudanese society are showing resistance to RSS policy?
Let me assure you that the people of south Sudan are united in their journey for just peace. All the political parties in south Sudan have declared publicly at least that they would like to rally behind the President to consolidate the hard won freedom for the people of South Sudan.
The only active rebel leader is Gen. George Athor who rebelled in 2010 after losing the Governorship of Jongolei State. He has been in the run since then. The government of the Republic of south Sudan is not interested in military confrontation with Athor, the President declared general amnesty for all who have taken up arms against the government since 2005.
The amnesty was well received by many rebel leaders such as General Peter Gadet, Abdal Bagei Ayei, Yaou Yaou and others who are currently in Juba. There are no elements opposing the policies of the government of the Republic of south Sudan, other than the official opposition in the national parliament in Juba, of which the government considers it as positive element in developing our country. We hope General Athor will join us soon in our nation building effort.
2. How likely are armed groups/elements in South Sudan to join the rebellion in South Kordofan, the Blue Nile state and maybe Darfur?
The President of the Republic of South Sudan just concluded a very important visit to Khartoum last weekend October 8-9 2011. He led a very high level delegation to the Sudanese capital Khartoum, to reassure the government of the Sudan that we are not interested in war; we want to help them find solutions to the wars in Blue Nile, Southern Kordofan and Darfur.
There is no benefit for war in South Sudan. There is no indication that there are elements in South Sudan willing to join the war in those areas, if we are interested in war the occupation of Abyei would have been the one to take South Sudan back to war. But we said no more going back to war because nobody actually benefits from wars.
3. What are the most pressing issues that need to be discussed first with Khartoum? E.g. border demarcation, oil revenue sharing, citizenship rights, future of Abyei, etc. What is resolved and what is unresolved about these issues?
The most pressing issues that the government of South Sudan would like to see resolved are the issues of the Abyei, the demarcation of the north south border, citizenship rights and the oil pipeline.
Regarding the oil pipeline the government of Sudan is demanding that we pay $ 32 dollars for every barrel that passes through their pipeline facilities in port Sudan, we have refused and negotiations are still under way and if you have good ideas of how these issues can be resolve, I will forward to our government in confidence to help them in the negotiating table.
For the Abyei issue, we want to see that the people of Abyei are given the right to choose their destiny through an internationally supervised referendum for them to decide which side of the two Sudan they want to belong to.
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South Sudanese Scholarships to Egypt
4. Now that South Sudan has become a recognized country, what specific things is it asking the international community for assistance with its development? What can Canada do?
The Republic of south Sudan attends its independence on 9 July 2011, but with many challenges. South Sudan needs almost everything because war has left nothing in South Sudan. However, the Government of South Sudan has laid down its priorities during the inauguration of independence speech by the President. He (the President) outlines five key areas that need assistance. 1. Security, 2- Food Security/Agriculture, 3- Health care 4- Education 5. Good governance/democracy/transparency.
During the visit of the Canadian minister for International Development Hon. Beverley Oda to Juba last July, the President indicated to the minister challenges in South Sudan are many but we would love if Canada can pick one among the five key priority areas and help. We have also requested capacity building training for our civil servants, such as members of parliament, and other department of our ministries.
Canada can provide wealth of knowledge when South Sudan embarks on writing its permanent constitution in the next two years. Canada can help the modernization of the agricultural sector to ensure South Sudan has food security for its population. Canada can also provide training or educational assistance to the civil societies in south Sudan to champion the wishes of the people of South Sudanese
Once again, let me take this opportunity to thank the organizers and all of you for showing interest in what is happening in my country.
Joseph Moum Majak Ngor Malok
Head of the Republic of South Sudan Mission
To Canada
251 Bank Street Suite 602
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1X3, Canada
Tel: +1613- 567- 2800
Fax: 613- 567- 2801
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South Sudanese Scholarships to Egypt