PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Northern Bahr el Ghazal youth leader deplores arrest of three members in Aweil

“Jacob Bol Deng, John Mawien Kuocmol Chan and John Garang Agawi were arrested immediately after leaving the conference hall on the order of organisers of the conference, simply because they objected the way the conference was organised”, he said.

November 27, 2011 (JUBA) – The leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Youth wing in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state on Sunday condemned arrest of three members by the state security, describing it as an unacceptable act.

Garang Velantino Wol Kon, the chairperson of the SPLM Youth League (SPLM-YL) in the state said in an interview on Sunday that the three youth members were arrested after distributing a statement rejecting the procedures of the event and the organisation of a four days youth conference which begun on 24 November.

“They have arrested three members”, Kon told Sudan Tribune by phone from Aweil town, capital of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, referring to the state authorities.

“Jacob Bol Deng, John Mawien Kuocmol Chan and John Garang Agawi were arrested immediately after leaving the conference hall on the order of organisers of the conference, simply because they objected the way the conference was organised”, he said

The youth leader added that authorities have rejected his suggestion to be arrested in the place the arrested youth members because of his immunity as youth leader.

“I told them to arrest me and release those they have been arrested because I am the leader but they did not accept. They asked me to come tomorrow to see whether the deputy governor, Dut Dut Yel, would accept to remove my immunity so as to pave the way for my arrest so that those who have been arrested are released”, Kon explained.

This follows a statement signed by six youth leaders from the four states of Warrap, Lakes, North and Western Bahr el Ghazal, rejecting procedures and the way the conference was organised.

The document was copied to all the four state governors and youth offices and was signed by: Dhieu Wal Takpiny – SPLM Youth League in Lakes State, Manyiel, Dut Kok – Lakes State Youth Union Chairperson, Dahie Abulrahaman Dahie, SPLM Youth chairperson in Western Bahr el Ghazal, Deng Madut – SPLM Youth League in Warrap State, Kuol Yueu Kuol – Warrap State Youth Union chairperson, Garang Velantino Wol – SPLM Youth League in Northern Bahr el Ghazal.

Kuol Wieu Kuol, the chairperson of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Youth League, (SPLM-YL) in Warrap State, told Sudan Tribune on Saturday that his and other youth groups had not been consulted.

“It would have been good idea if the objectives were made known to all the other groups. If indeed the intention was meant to bring youth together and to cherish each other, the objectives and criteria of selections would have been made known to all. Some youth, especially those coming from Warrap State, were selected from Juba directly attended the conference without the knowledge of other group”, he said.

Manyiel Dut Kok, chairperson of the SPLM Youth League in Lakes State also told Sudan Tribune on Saturday that the organisers of the conference should have shared the plans and objectives about conference with all the region’s youth groups.

Kok said those attending the conference from Lakes state were taken from Juba directly to the venue of the conference without consultation with official youth representatives, who live in the area.

“We have 12 people attending from Lakes State. They were taken from Juba without my knowledge”, he said explaining that resolution of the conference would not be binding on youth leadership in the state.

Dhaya Abelrahaman Dhaya, a member of the SPLM Youth League in Western Bahr el Ghazal State said Saturday that he supports unity among youth group but opposed the way the conference was organised.

“I agree that we should work together in sensitising and encouraging youths to promote peace and unity but I do not agree with the way this conference was organised.

“Normally, the official procedure was that all the groups should have been consulted. If the intention of this conference was to bring youth together, the SPLM youth league should have been consulted prior to commencement of the conference so that we discuss with them objectives and expected recommendation with the SPLM Secretariat in the state and the ministry of social welfare and development”, he said.


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