PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Establishing an ECS University: Report of a Feasibility Study for the Episcopal Church of the Sudan


University Feasibility Study Report

“Tomorrow Begins Today”

The Report was written in 2011 for the Archbishop of Sudan by Dr Ruth Eade, Dr Eeva John
in consultation with
Professor Peter Haycock and Professor Joanna Kozubska

Establishing an ECS University:
Report of a Feasibility Study for the Episcopal Church of the Sudan
April 2011

By Dr Ruth Eade and Dr Eeva John
In consultation with
Professor Peter Haycock and Professor Joanna Kozubska
Undertaking the university Feasibility Study and writing the subsequent report in fulfilment of Archbishop Daniel’s commission, has been a pleasure and we thank his Grace for entrusting to us this sacred task. Testing-out the ECS’s God-given vision has been to tread on holy ground. Meeting with so many of our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout South Sudan was a joyful experience: their hope and optimism for the future continues to be an inspiration.
In undertaking the research and producing this report, we thank God for the innumerable people who prayed for us, welcomed and assisted us – including the 160 who so willingly shared their enthusiasm and vision for an ECS University in the guided conversations which form the evidence base for this report; the Archbishop; Bishops; Clergy; Provincial officers; Diocesan Synod members; Government of South Sudan officials; University Vice Chancellors, academics and administrators; College Principals; the groups of intellectuals brought together by diocesan bishops; students and others from wide ranging backgrounds and institutions; and NGOs. We also thank those who offered us most generous hospitality and, particularly the school children of Kajo Keji who warmly welcomed us in song on our arrival at the airstrip.
We are indebted to the Reverend Canon Trevor Stubbs for arranging the highly robust itinerary and to Rebecca Coleman for her help with this. Undertaking the university Feasibility Study would have been physically impossible without Mission Aviation Fellowship and World Food Programme pilots who flew us to otherwise inaccessible places; and to the Reverend John Vero from SUDRA who so professionally negotiated virtually impossible terrain to get us safely to appointments – on time! Accordingly, we thank God for his faithfulness and safe-keeping throughout our visit.
We also wish to thank those UK professional colleagues who formed an ad hoc advisory panel; and also the Salisbury/Sudan Diocesan Link Committee for contributing towards the costs of undertaking the university Feasibility Study. We also thank our families and friends for their generous financial and other support of us, and this project.
We now prayerfully submit the Episcopal Church of Sudan University Feasibility Study Report to Archbishop Daniel and the Sudan Provincial Synod for consideration. We do so with a deep sense of gratitude to God for His enablement and for the opportunity of undertaking this study. We pray He will lead and guide those responsible for determining whether to establish an ECS University.
The work of the ECS will continue to be in our hearts and prayers. It has been a privilege to be of service to the ECS. Thank you.
Yours in Christ,
Ruth Eade and Eeva John
Dr R M Eade and Dr E-M John
The ECS University Feasibility Study Researchers

Click Link below Description
ECS University Feasibility Final Report.pdf The full report (3 Mbyte)
Executive Summary.pdf The first six pages of the report
Challenges of Establishing a Quality ECS University An additional paper
University Governance An additional paper
Alternative University Models – Distance and Virtual An additional paper
The Christian Ethos of an ECS University An additional paper
The Foundation of an ECS University An additional paper
Leadership An extra additional paper
Purpose and Rationale of an ECS University An additional paper
Business and Marketing Plans An additional paper
Education in South Sudan An extra additional paper
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