PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan Nhial Deng Nhial: We are on brink of war

South Sudan Nhial Deng Nhial: We are on brink of war
BBC News
South Sudan’s foreign minister has warned his country is on the brink of war with Sudan following days of fierce fighting along the border. Nhial Deng Nhial told the BBC Sudanese forces had invaded the town of Jau, which was in the south.

Sudan: Rebels pose potent challenge to Bashir?
A herdsman from the Dinka tribe is pictured near South Sudan’s central town of Rumbek on November 13, 2011. South Sudan is coping with frequent bouts of cattle banditry while across the border to the north, Sudan President Omar al-Bashir is challenged

UN to Move Refugees as Fighting Nears South Sudan Camp
Voice of America (blog)
The United Nations says it is speeding up efforts to move refugees from a camp in South Sudan threatened by fighting along the border with Sudan. The UN refugee agency said Friday the violence appears to be nearing the Yida refugee settlement.

South Sudan: Central Equatoria Governor Inspects State Poultry Demonstration Farm
Juba — Central Equatoria State Deputy Governor Manase Lomole Waya together with seven state ministers paid an inspection visit Wednesday to Central Equatoria State demonstration Farm located east of River Nile from the heart of Juba city.

South Sudan: One Month Salary Will Not Make Our Institutions Bankrupt
One month salary to the people working in the Republic of South Sudan will never bring bankruptcy to our institutions or nation. The Citizen is weak financially but our human values are high and appreciation of these values will form a strong

SUDAN-SOUTH SUDAN: Humanitarian crisis warning as thousands flee fighting
NAIROBI, 9 December 2011 (IRIN) – Aid agencies must now plan for worsening humanitarian conditions in Sudan’s South Kordofan and Blue Nile states where ongoing conflict pitting the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) against the Sudan People’s Liberation

South Sudan: Nation Has Made Tremendous Progress in Eradicating Guinea Worm
Juba — South Sudan though being the worst hit country in Africa by guinea worm disease is tremendously moving well in its journey to eradicate the disease from the country. Available data indicates that only one thousand and ten (1010) cases were

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