PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

An Open Letter to the Ruweng/Panrieng Commissioner and Unity State Governor Taban Deng Gai


-His Excellency, Gen. Taban Deng Gai, the Governor of the Unity State,
-His Excellency, Hon. Reek de Minyiel Ayuel, The Ruweng National Representative, MP,
-Her Excellency, Hon. Ajok Garang, the Ruweng Women Representative to National Assembly
Subject: Issuance of Mandatory Evacuation on Civilians in Jau, Yida and surrounding Areas.
Ladies and gentlemen,

This is to bring it to your immediate administrative attention that we are appalled and outraged by the recent sequences of awful event that had befallen the Ruweng territories and Unity State due to the overall insecurity inflicted by the Sudan Armed Forces military incursion on our lands and other rebellious insurgency in the Unity State. We found it imperatively as your administrative duty and powers to ensure that security and protection of our civil population including the currently internal displaced persons of Ruweng County to be evacuated to a more safer and secure locations within the county and their needs be met.

We urge your respective leaderships to strategize and plan contingent humanitarian programs in terms of foods, shelters, clean drinking water, and provision of security. We ask you to work in conjunction and coordination with the UNMISS in the Unity state in the facilitation of the mandatory evacuation of the affected internal displaced persons in Ruweng County to be relocated deep southward of the Panrieng County and their humanitarian needs and security be met and guaranteed practically. We find it risky and susceptible to see our civil populations living densely in border towns and surrounding villages more prone and vulnerable to the ongoing military hostility along the South-North border, therefore, we prefer and suggest that a mandatory evacuation be enforced in order to avoid the disastrous catastrophe and collateral damage that could be caused by the military confrontation in the County of Ruweng.

For instance, the IDPs from around Heglig, Panyang, Jau, Yida, and Bongki should be issued a mandated emergency evacuation temporarily at this hostile futility and volatility at South-North Sudan frontier conflict. We have no specific intelligence and information that prompted the Ruweng/Panaruu Diaspora to call for the mandatory evacuation of the civil populations in the aforementioned surrounding areas other than the concurrent insecurity and military hostility in Lake Jau and Yida. We are advising and advocating the evacuation because we consider it a battlefield.
Resolutions by the Panaruu Community Dinka Diaspora Press Release.

We, therefore resolve that the following resolutions be acted upon by your respective leadership in mutual and cooperative solidarity. This is a matter of strategic preparedness in event of emergency management, readiness, and response to disastrous calamities.

1. In order to ensure the safety, security, and protection of our civil populations of Ruweng, we call upon the county commissioner of Ruweng counties, the Unity state governor , and Ruweng National Legislative Assembly Representatives/MPs to issue a mandatory evacuation of the civilians in the Ruweng county Payams such as Panyang, Bongki,, Jau, Yida, Heglig, Karasana, and Panrieng to relocate Southward deep in Ruweng South to avoid unpreparedness and emergency-disaster prior to any possible war brinksmanship in Ruweng in advance. We do presume Ruweng Counties in Unity State as a battlefield; therefore, we recommend strongly the prioritization evacuation of the civil populations from all the vulnerable aforementioned towns due to the troop buildings on both sides in Ruweng. We believe that these aforesaid towns are within the proximity periphery of the long-range missiles and aerial bombardment. Doing so would ensure the safety and security of civilians to avert any catastrophic disaster and collateral damages that may arise in the event of war.

2. And in order to strategize and strengthen the capacity for disaster management and risk mitigation in case the civilians maybe evacuated as recommended, it’s imperative that the planning for preparedness and response for humanitarian needs be put in place and readiness to reflects the actual needs from the would-be the internally displaced persons in Ruweng. This is a matter of strategic contemplation to save lives of civilians.

Once again, we recommend the Unity state governor , Ruweng National Legislative Assembly Representatives/MPs, Unity State Legislators, and county commissioners to coordinate and facilitate the mandatory and voluntary evacuations of the civil populations believe to be within the battleground and proximity of military installations in the areas along with collaboration and logistics of the South Sudan Rehabilitation Relief Commission (SSRRC) and other non-governmental, humanitarian agencies in South Sudan to prepare and plan the management of the disaster and humanitarian needs in advance and priority that may arise in this conflict. We apologize in advance in case this incitation of the mandatory evacuation may panicked the situation and flare unexpected blameworthy rebuttal from the official authorities due to psychological anxiety this early war-disaster-warning may inflicts in the minds of the citizens.
Best Regards,

Signed by the Panaruu Diaspora Community Leadership, signatories:
The Panaruu Community Board Commission on political affairs in North America
1. David Piok Wuor————–Chairman of the Panaruu Community Board Panel.
2. Mayiik Deng Kiir————–Deputy Chairman of the PCPB
3. Sirik Lang Mijak———-Secretary General of the PCPB
4. Samuel Kiir Mialek —–The PCPB External Relations.
5. Palath Mayol——-The PCPB External and Internal Relation Research.
6. Simon Tor Deng——–The General Advisory Secretary of the PCPB Affairs.
7. Biem de ThonChar————The Information Secretary of the PCPB.
Reviewed/approved by the Panaruu Community Presidency in North America.
1. Santino Anuer Haar—–The PCA President in USA.
2. Charles Chol Tiop—-The PCA President in Canada.
3. James Arop Mijak——The PCA Secretary General in USA.
4. Simon Ngor Deng——The Deputy Secretary General in USA.
5. Samuel Dau Deng-yom ——The President and Board Director of the P-CHARD.

An Open Letter to Miabeng de Lang and Taban Deng Gai.docx
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An Open Letter to Miabeng de Lang and Taban Deng Gai.docx
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