PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Israel to Name Envoy to South Sudan

Israel to name envoy to South Sudan
Jerusalem Post
 appointments committee that meets regularly to deal with new diplomatic assignments. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir when he visited Israel last month that Israel would soon be naming an envoy to his country….

South Sudan Ethnic Violence Leaves At Least 22 Dead
Huffington Post
MICHAEL ONYIEGO 01/ 9/12 12:59 PM ET AP JUBA, South Sudan — Members of a South Sudanese tribe targeted in massive attacks late last month have killed 22 people and burned down three villages of the opposing tribe in new attacks, a state governor said 

Tearfund supporting returnees to South Sudan
Hundreds of thousands of southerners continue to arrive in South Sudan six months after the country gained its independence from the North. Tearfund estimates that around 340000 southerners have returned in the year since the crucial referendum that 

South Sudan: State Violence Against Civilians Is an Evil That Just Won’t Go Away
One of these is that violence against ordinary people by our uniformed men and women throughoutSouth Sudan is so much more rampant than our leaders seem willing to admit. This is a reality that will not spare any of us, whether we are government 

South Sudan Struggling in Face of Growing Refugee Crisis
Kansas City infoZine
South Sudan is one of the poorest and least developed nations in the world, and the influx of refugees is placing enormous strain on already scarce resources.” Fran Equiza, Oxfam’s Regional Director in Horn, East and Central Africa Boston, 

DFA raises alert level 3 in South Sudan; deployment ban in place
MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Tuesday raised crisis alert level 3 in South Sudan, as the inter-ethnic violence in the country threatens to escalate. Alert level 3 means the “voluntary repatriation” of Filipinos living 
Machar calls on nations to help reconcile communities in South Sudan
Sudan Tribune
January 9, 2012 (MOMBAI-INDIA) – The Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan, Riek Machar Teny, has appealed to international organizations to help his country reconcile its various communities. Representatives from more than 30 countries in Asia 
N. Bahr el Ghazal finance minister defends himself against MP’s graft allegations
Sudan Tribune
By Julius N. Uma January 9, 2012 (JUBA) – The Finance, Trade and Industry minister in South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal State on Monday described as “baseless” and “untrue” claims by a member of the state legislative assembly that a motion to have 

South Sudan
 rampage toll may be in thousands amid threats of genocide
By Alan Boswell NAIROBI, Kenya — Threats of genocide and ethnically charged rhetoric are roilingSouth Sudan’s Jonglei state one week after a days-long rampage by a tribal militia forced 50000 people from their homes and may have left thousands dead. 
South Sudan facing tribal dilemma
Gulf Times
By Jamie Ingram/Doha Escalating violence in South Sudan’s oil-producing Jonglei state vividly highlights the severe challenges facing the newly-independent country. Six months after gaining independence, the recent clashes echo pre-independence 
Haiti; Iran; Lebanon; South Sudan; and more
UN Dispatch
South Sudan: The head of the United Nations refugee agency, António Guterres today urged the international community to show greater solidarity with South Sudan as it strives to cope with enormous humanitarian challenges as tensions between communities 

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