PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan, Sudan presidents to meet over impasse

South Sudan
 Takes Major Step to Protect its Wildlife

EP Magazine
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) joined officials from the Republic of South Sudan and US Government on March 8 to inaugurate Boma National Park Headquarters in Jonglei State in South Sudan, home to some of the world’s most spectacular wildlife 
Sudan, South Sudan Presidents to Meet
Voice of America
March 13, 2012 Sudan, South Sudan Presidents to Meet Peter Heinlein | Addis Ababa Sudan andSouth Sudan on Tuesday initialed preliminary agreements on two of three contentious issues left over from their breakup last year.

In South Sudan’s violence, U.S.-backed army part of the problem
Kansas City Star
Fleeing a column of 10000 enemies in South Sudan’s tribal wars, Meroi, eight months pregnant, and her family darted across the parched wilderness for four days before rival militiamen caught up and pinned them against a riverbank.

Syria; Haiti; South Sudan; LRA; and more
UN Dispatch
South Sudan: The United Nations peacekeeping mission in South Sudan today said it has sent patrol units and a medical team to an area on the country’s border with Ethiopia where unidentified raiders reportedly attacked several cattle camps occupied by 

Resolving Conflicts Remains a Top US Policy Priority, Carson Says
Johnnie Carson with former Secretary of State Colin Powell, US Ambassador to the UN Susan E. Rice, and Ambassador R. Barrie Walkley inaugurating the new US Embassy in Juba, South Sudan on July 9, 2011. (Photo Courtesy USAID Photo/Jenn Warren) When he 
South Sudan oil export ban brings self-inflicted pain
Washington Times
(AP Photo/UNAMID, Albert Gonzalez Farran) Tribal conflict, financial crisis and a humanitarian emergency are threatening stability in South Sudan, only eight months after the world’s newest nation gained independence. In a dispute with Sudan, 

Queen City to quench South Sudan
Charlotte Observer
In fact, the UNESCO, the United Nations Sudan Information Gateway and the CIA estimate only 50 percent of residents have access to “improved” drinking water and only 6.4 percent have access to “improved” sanitary facilities. Though South Sudanis more 
In Sudan’s Nuba Mountains, Government Rocket Attacks Sow Fear, Witnesses Say
New York Times
Some analysts see similarities between the brutal tactics used in Nuba and those employed in Darfur, in Sudan’s west, during the height of the violence there several years ago. The Nuba conflict is complicated by the separation of South Sudan from 
Sudan, South Sudan sign initial agreements on status of nationals, demarcation
ADDIS ABABA, March 13 — Sudan and South Sudan on Tuesday initialed two agreements on status of nationals and demarcation of common boundary at Sheraton International Hotel here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Under the agreement on nationality, nationals of 
South Sudan Safeguards Wildlife Amidst Interethnic Warfare
Environment News Service
BOMA NATIONAL PARK, South Sudan, March 13, 2012 (ENS) – A new headquarters building was inaugurated in wildlife-rich Boma National Park on Friday in South Sudan’s conflict-ridden Jonglei State. The world’s newest nation, South Sudanclaimed its 

Lexington Herald Leader
By Alan Boswell — McClatchy Newspapers Human skeletons still lie scattered above ground weeks after the attack took place in Likwongole, South Sudan. (Alan Boswell/MCT) ALAN BOSWELL — MCT PIBOR, South Sudan — Martha Meroi escaped one nightmare only 

South Sudan, Sudan presidents to meet over impasse
The Seattle Times
An African Union official says that the presidents of Sudan and South Sudan will soon meet to negotiate as “partners rather than aggressors.” The Associated Press No comments have been posted to this article. An African Union official says that the 
South Sudan Cuts Budget by 26 Percent After Shutting Oil Output
The government of the newly independent nation has reduced monthly spending to 650 million South Sudanese pounds from 880 million, he told reporters today in the capital, Juba. The official exchange rate ranges from 2.9 to 3.1 pounds per dollar.

African oil production increasing except from South Sudan: IEA
Oil production is gradually increasing in African countries — apart from South Sudan, the International Energy Agency said in its latest report Wednesday. The Paris-based agency said commercial production in Uganda could begin as early as next year 

The Lost Boys Of Sudan and Faith at the End of the World
Huffington Post (blog)
It is in Northern Bahr El Ghazal in South Sudan. I am sure there are places in the world less equipped to sustain life, but not many. For the majority of its citizens there is no clean water, no electricity, no sewage system, no access to medical help, 
UN, South Sudan sign child-free army plan
Sudan Tribune
March 12, 2012 (JUBA) – The UN and South Sudan’s army, the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), on Monday signed a revised action plan regarding their commitment to ridding the army from child soldiers. The agreement was signed by Pieng Deng Koul, 

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