PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Sudan and South Sudan clash in border region–SPLA Capture Heglig, and President Bashir Suspends his Planned Visit to Juba

Jubilation After The Capture of Heglig By SPLA – SPLA Oyee
Dear all,
Jubilation and Happiness filled the hearts of all the People of South Sudan after hearing the Good News from our President, Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit when he announced that our SPLA Gallant Forces today at 05:00 PM South Sudan Local time have taken full control of Heglig. SPLA Oyee.
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March 26 2012 
Sudan armies clash in border region
Sudan and South Sudan have been at loggerheads over a series of issues since the south’s independence last year.
26 Mar 2012
Clashes have broken out between the armed forces of Sudan and South Sudan in several disputed border regions, both sides said.South Sudan’s army, or SPLA, said the Sudanese air force had attacked the disputed areas of Jau and Pan Akuach.

The SPLA had also repelled an attack by Sudanese forces in the area of Teshwin inside South Sudan, SPLA spokesperson Philip Arguer said on Monday.

Sudan’s army spokesperson Sawarmi Khalid Saad confirmed the fighting in the border area of Sudan’s South Kordofan state and the southern Unity state, without giving the exact locations. He did not say who had started the fighting.

“I think due to this attack, the government now is changing its strategy to deal with the southern government,” Rabie Abdul Atti, an advisor to Sudan’s Minister of Information, told Al Jazeera.

The fighting has forced President Omar Hassan al-Bashir to suspend plans to visit South Sudan on April 3, Sudan’s state radio reported.

In a brief text message, the broadcaster said  the suspension came after an attack on the oil-producing area of Heglig, parts of which are claimed by both Sudan and South Sudan.

Bashir had been due to hold talks with his southern counterpart Salva Kiir during his visit to the southern capital Juba to resolve tensions that have surged since South Sudan seceded from Sudan last year.

By Reuters

Juba/Khartoum – Clashes broke out between the armed forces of Sudan and South Sudan in several disputed border regions on Monday, both sides said.

South Sudan’s army, or SPLA, said the Sudanese air force had attacked the disputed areas of Jau and Pan Akuach. The SPLA had also repelled an attack by Sudanese forces in the area of Teshwin inside South Sudan, SPLA spokesman Philip Arguer said.

Sudan’s army spokesman Sawarmi Khalid Saad confirmed fighting in the border area of Sudan’s South Kordofan state and the southern Unity state, without giving the exact locations. He did not say who had started the fighting. – Reuters

South Sudan accuses Khartoum of airstrikes, ground assault

AFP MARCH 26, 2012 2:11 PM
South Sudan accused Sudan of attacking it with aircraft and troops Monday.
South Sudan accused Sudan of attacking it with aircraft and troops Monday.

JUBA, South Sudan — Sudanese aircraft and ground troops attacked multiple positions in South Sudan’s oil rich border regions Monday, sparking fierce battles and prompting Southern President Salva Kiir to warn of war.

“This morning the (Sudanese) airforce came and bombed . . . areas in Unity state,” Kiir said at the opening of a ruling party meeting in the southern capital Juba.

“After this intensive bombardment our forces . . . . were attacked by SAF (Sudan Armed Forces) and militia,” he added, noting his troops had since fought back and crossed into a key northern oil field.

“It is a war that has been imposed on us again, but it is they (Khartoum) who are looking for it,” said Kiir, adding that he did not want conflict to resume.

However Sudanese army spokesman, Sawarmi Khaled Saad, said only “limited clashes” had occurred between his forces and those of South Sudan along the disputed border between the two countries.

Kiir said Southern troops, the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA), had driven northern forces back across the undemarcated border and seized Khartoum’s key oil field of Heglig, parts of which are claimed by both sides.

“They attacked our forces and our forces were able to repulse them.. and they ran,” Kiir added. “The last information that came to me was that our forces have also taken over Heglig.”

South Sudanese army spokesman Philip Aguer said that fighting was ongoing when he last spoke to frontline troops, just over an hour before dusk.

“There are casualties but we don’t have the full report . . . at the last communication, which is very difficult, there was still fighting,” Aguer said, but also added the army was not wanting the clashes to spiral into war.

“This was an act of self-defence on behalf of the SPLA, and we still commit ourselves to all the security agreements between us — despite all this fighting we are committed to peace,” Aguer added.

© Copyright (c) AFP

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