PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Me and my mistaken identity

2 min read

By Atok Dan Baguoot

Me and my mistaken identity
are altogether wrong
With me is me on this wrongful planet

Other think and feel right
Did anybody dare to consult me
even the creator himself

if he were man enough
Did he think to consult me
He felt that he did the best to have me like me
Me was rightful inside me
until they told me
my identity as me was literally wrong because of me

I’m an African of confused culture
That why I was wrongful enough
I’m a black Sudanese of origin
A second quality of me being mistaken

I’m a Dinka, a hateful identity before
To them, Sudan my home is on fire for me
They think
If I were well coloured, I was good boy
They think

They think if all other black soil natured Africans were
Not themselves, they would have conquered
they would have recreated Sudan
They think that way

Me and my mistaken identity
was never consulted before me moulded into me
before me placed in the savannah valleys of the Nile
Me being placed on expensive fossils fats

I hate it because it brought me pains, curse and sufferings
If my cows could drink from oil
I hate an engine, because it leads to engineering
which discovered oil

Never would I have dared to face creator
in refusal of me being myself
for being at the bleeding age of a trouble country
people called it North-South border
it is where Parieng is situated

where nobody is there to say somebody is there
where if am represent
whereof government imports automobiles that outnumber
innocent population of my county
metals exchange of fossils fat
called it barter trade

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