PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

At Least 24 SPLA Kills by Murle in Jonglei

3 min read
Official: 24 South Sudan troops killed by rebels
Atlanta Journal Constitution
The Associated Press. KAMPALA, Uganda — At least 24 South Sudanese soldiers have been killed in clashes with a militia group that the southern government accuses of subverting a disarmament campaign, a southern military official said on Monday.
South Sudan adopts Kenya’s insurance regulatory system
Daily Nation
After South Sudan gained independence in July last year Mr Kier, who lectures at Australia’s Monarch University, was recalled by his government to restructure the insurance business. Following separation, major state institutions also took the same route.
South Sudan official says 24 soldiers killed in clashes with rebel militia 
Washington Post
South Sudan army spokesman Col. Philip Aguer said that an additional 12 soldiers were wounded and 17 are still missing from the Aug. 22 ambush of 200 South Sudanese troops who had been sent to quell alleged rebel activity in Jonglei State, the scene of 
Sudanese refugees’ country of origin changed to South Sudan
During the past two months, dozens of Sudanese migrants have been summoned to immigration and population authority offices to renew their residence permits. While there, they discovered – much to their surprise – that authority officials had changed ..
Rebels killed at least 24 South Sudan soldiers: officials
JUBA — Rebels in South Sudan’s Jonglei state have killed at least 24 soldiers, with several others missing or wounded, in the latest outbreak of violence in the troubled region, officials said Sunday. The attack took place Thursday in the Pibor region 
UNHCR Alarmed Over Health Condition of Refugees
Juba — The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) has expressed concerns about the health situations of thousands of refugees living in camps and settlements across South Sudan’s Upper Nile and Unity states. Sudanese refugees wait in line to board a truck 
Rebels kill 24 South Sudan soldiers, army says
JUBA (Reuters) – Rebels killed at least 24 soldiers when they ambushed a South Sudanese army convoy, a military spokesman said on Monday, in the latest outbreak of violence in restive Jonglei state. The country seceded from Sudan a year ago under and 
SOUTH SUDAN: Urgent need for mental healthcare
JUBA, 27 August 2012 (IRIN) – In South Sudan, decades of civil war have resulted in widespread trauma, and the chronically underdeveloped nation is struggling to provide facilities, staff and treatment for those in need of mental healthcare. After a 
What Is Next for Sudan and South Sudan After Meles Zenawi
The Recent passing of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is going to have a huge impact and implication on the relations between Sudan and South Sudan. The question has to be when will they be felt? Tension between the two neighboring countries is 

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