PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan’s VP on deal between Sudans

4 min read
Community gathers for South Sudan talk
Sioux Falls Argus Leader
South Sudan is a long way from Sioux Falls, but on Tuesday members of the community were given a glimpse into life in South Sudan — one filled with unspeakable hunger, disease and contaminated water. The community discussion, held at Kresge Recital 

RSS Negotiating Team Should Review Strategy
General consensus looms large in South Sudan, especially in the wake of signing of the Addis Ababa Cooperation Agreement that the negotiation team of the Republic of South Sudan (RSS) should review the negotiation strategy to address the hot remaining 
South Sudan’s VP on deal between Sudans
Al Jazeera speaks to Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, vice president of South Sudan, about the details of a trade and oil deal beteen Juba and Khartoum as well as the status of the on-going border dispute between Sudan and the world’s newest nation. The deal 
South Sudan ratifies border deal with Sudan despite protest
Chicago Tribune
JUBA (Reuters) – South Sudan’s parliament ratified a border and oil deal with Sudan on Tuesday intended to settle issues that brought the countries close to resuming their two-decade civil war and allow the South to revive its vital crude oil exports 
US group says Sudan forces raze remote border town
Huffington Post
The report comes as renewed fighting broke out between Sudan’s army and rebels in the volatile border region disputed by Sudan and South Sudan. The two sides clashed in the oil-producing Sudanese state of Southern Kordofan on Monday, after rebels 
Congolese refugees fear going home but feel unwelcome in South Sudan
Catholic News Service
YAMBIO, South Sudan (CNS) — As the military hunt for Joseph Kony continues throughout this region, refugees who fled across the border from Congo to escape his Lord’s Resistance Army say their welcome in South Sudan is wearing thin. “I want to go home 
Army Clashes With South Kordofan Rebels As They Vow to Keep Fighting
Khartoum/Nairobi — Sudanese government forces clashed with rebels of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) when the latter attempted to take over a village east of SouthKordofan State on Sunday, both sides confirmed. FILE PHOTO 
Taking the Long View for the Peoples of Sudan and South Sudan
Huffington Post (blog)
On September 27, in Addis Ababa, the leaders of Sudan and South Sudan laid out a visionary path for the future of their countries. Facing difficult trade-offs, both sides approved a series of groundbreaking agreements on security, financial 
South Sudan Pleads for Public Support On Cooperation Deal With Sudan
Juba — Leading officials from South Sudan’s governing Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) have admitted compelling conditions behind the signing of the cooperation agreement with the government of neigbouring Sudan and pleaded for public 

Sudan’s lasting impact on oil market
Financial Times
South Sudan, which won its independence last year, ordered a shutdown of its oil production in late January following a disagreement with Sudan about pipeline fees and Khartoum’s attempts to confiscate some of the crude oil of its neighbour as payment.

South Sudan says no diplomatic row over Nairobi murder
Second Secretary of the South Sudan Embassy in Kenya Pauline Adhong Malok told journalists in Nairobi that the tragic death of Alemo Oneik Amulu, a 42-year-old official in the office of the Speaker of Council of State in Juba, is being handled as a 

South Sudan Says General’s Arrest Is Not Linked to Coup Plot
South Sudan’s military dismissed speculation that an attempted coup in the East African nation was the reason for the arrest of an army general. Major-General Simon Gatwec Dual is in military custody after being arrested earlier this month, Colonel 
Unicef – South Sudan Celebrates Global Handwashing Day
The fight against child mortality continues as South Sudan joins the rest of the world in celebrating the Global Hand Washing Day under the theme “help more children reach their fifth birthday.” Child mortality figures released by UNICEF last month 
Sudan and South Sudan sign landmark deal
Sudan and South Sudan have signed an agreement on trade and security that should allow the resumption of oil exports. Oil is the main source of income for both countries – and has brought them to the brink of war. The Presidents of the two countries 
Fighting in Sudan border states kills 600: minister
KHARTOUM (Reuters) – More than 600 people have been killed in insurgencies that erupted in two Sudanese states bordering South Sudan last year, Sudan’s interior minister said on Tuesday in the first official count. Fighting between Sudan’s army and 


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