PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan’s The Citizen Newspaper Announces Shutdown

4 min read
South Sudan private daily newspaper announces shutdown
Sudan Tribune
October 30, 2012 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s only daily newspaper announced Tuesday that is was being forced to suspend publication as it has been unable to secure the hard currency needed to purchase the paper necessary to continue printing. JPEG – 51.2 
South Sudan army suspends disarmament operation in Pibor to hunt rebels
Sudan Tribune
October 30, 2012 (JUBA) – South Sudan has decided to cease conducting civilian disarmament operation activities in Jonglei’s Pibor County, instructing the army to take “sweeping measures” to clear the area of rebels, multiple senior military officers 
MSF Addresses Unprecedented Malaria Outbreak in Aweil
“We have also seen a sharp increase in malaria cases in many of our health facilities across South Sudan. The disease has a huge impact on the population and places a tremendous burden on the health system.” From January to September 2012, MSF 
W. Bahr el Ghazal splits over transfer of County headquarters from Wau town
Sudan Tribune
Oct 30 2012 (JUBA) – The parliament of South Sudan’s Western Bahr el Ghazal and the state’s executive have been unable to reach agree on whether to endorse transferring the headquarters of two counties from the state capital Wau, multiple officials 

South Sudan appeals for international support for Abyei referendum
Sudan Tribune
October 29,2012 (JUBA) – South Sudan on Sunday said it is seeking international support to push the government of neighboring Sudan to accept an African Union proposal to resolve the dispute over the contested fertile and oil-producing Abyei region by 
South Sudan Barge Convoy Leaves Renk for Juba, But Thousands Remain
GENEVA, Switzerland, October 30, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A convoy of river barges carrying some 900 returnees with their possessions is leaving today from the port of Renk inSouth Sudan’s Upper Nile State on a two-week voyage to Juba 

Humanitarian agencies urge South Kordofan access
Deutsche Welle
Fighting between Sudan’s army and rebels in South Kordofan has displaced thousands of civilians and created a humanitarian crisis. Aid agencies are calling on the UN, the Arab League and the African Union to exert pressure on the Sudanesegovernment 
Humanitarian shares hope for a brighter future for South Sudan
Local News. Humanitarian shares hope for a brighter future for South Sudan. Tweet · Share. Posted: Oct 30, 2012, 8:14 am. By Sarah Lysne The Post-Bulletin, Austin MN Childhood memories came to life on Saturday, when Swiss ethnologist and 

NCP wants no disagreements over “Islamic” foundation of next constitution 
Sudan Tribune
As South Sudan hurtled towards its independence, which took place in July last year under the CPA, a number of NCP officials, including the country’s president Omer Al-Bashir made remarks suggesting that the country should create a new constitution on 
South Sudan Rebel Group Threatens to Reignite Ethnic War
A new South Sudanese rebel group is threatening to reignite violence in Jonglei state where at least 1,600 people died in ethnic clashes last year, according to the United Nations and Archbishop Daniel Deng. A 3,000-member militia led by David Yau Yau, 
Sudan-South Sudan joint commission to meet
China Daily
KHARTOUM – Sudanese Foreign Ministry has announced that the joint political and security commission between Sudan and South Sudan would meet in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, on Nov 5, Khartoum’s Al Ray Al A’m daily reported Wednesday.
Total expects to resume South Sudan exploration soon
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) – French oil major Total (TOTF.PA) said it was confident of reaching an agreement soon with the South Sudanese government over exploration in a disputed block and was ready to resume work there with a new partner, a senior official 
South Sudan: Mental healthcare for refugees
Medecins Sans Frontieres
In the camps for refugees who have crossed from Sudan’s Blue Nile State into South Sudan’s Maban County, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is supporting its medical activities with psychosocial work. © MSF/Christina Jo Larsen — Drawing is part of MSF’s 

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