PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan expels UN rights official

2 min read
Appeasing Local Leaders on Abyei or the ‘Mile 14 Area’ Will Come at a Cost
The AUPSC in its bid to sort out things chose to give both Sudan and South Sudan a period of six weeks in which it’s hoped that the two sides may be able to reach a negotiated settlement on the border demarcation but especially so on how to hold the 
South Sudan expels UN rights official
Juba, South SudanSouth Sudan said on Sunday that it has expelled a UN official who was carrying out a probe on the human rights situation in the fledgling state, accusing her of producing “unjustified” reports. “It’s the first person on human rights 
Jonglei Governor Claims Gains Against Yau Yau Rebels in Pibor
Kuol Manyang, who returned from Pibor on 2 October, after spending two days in Pibor talking to the elders and chiefs to encourage the citizens to abandon Yau Yau, confirmed to the press at the airport that South Sudan army (SPLA) forces have taken 
Warrap’s Twic Community Protest Arrest of Youth Leader Over Taxes
Juba — Community leaders from South Sudan’s Twic County in Warrap state have strongly protested against the arrest of a youth leader by state government officials over household taxes. The arrest of Atem Ayuen Atem, sources told Sudan Tribune, drew 

South Sudan seeks international intervention over Abyei to “revert temptations”
Sudan Tribune
November 3, 2012 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation says it is “high time” the international community “takes bold decision to ensure that recommendations of the African Union High Implementation Panel 
USAID launches loan partnership with South Sudan private banks
USAID launches loan partnership with South Sudan private banks. JUBA, Nov 03, 2012 (Menafn – Sudan Tribune – McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) –An agreement between private financial institutions and United States Agency for 

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