PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan Says It’s Ready to Restart Oil Production

3 min read
South Sudan Says It’s Ready to Restart Oil Production
Oil technicians from Sudan and South Sudan met in recent days in Juba to discuss restarting output, he said. Production will begin first in fields in Upper Nile state, while those in Unity state, which were damaged during armed clashes between the 
Rumbek Community and Nhial Bol At the Crossroads Over Bahsir’s Visit
While we strive for harmonious coexistence of our communities in the nascent Republic of South Sudan, we also seek to avoid trampling on the dignity and liberty of our countrymen/women. The new era ushered in has brought with it freedom of speech.

Concerning Civilians in Blue Nile and South Kordofan, an Open Letter to
South Sudan: Concerning Civilians in Blue Nile and South Kordofan, an Open Letter to – Princeton Lyman, U.S. Speci. 5 November 2012. opinion. Department of State. Washington, DC. Dear Ambassador Lyman: I write to you to express my profound dismay 
People First – a Response to Dr. Lam Akol
I’d like to thank you for your article dated October 31, 2012 in response to my open letter. This letter not only positioned you positively in the eyes of conscientious and well-meaning South Sudanese, it also gave us a glimpse into the reasons why you 
Introduction makes Deng beam with pride
ESPN (blog)
David DowNBAE/Getty Images Luol Deng, who held up a shirt with the outline of Africa in the All-Star Game last season, has incorporated his home country of South Sudanin his player introduction. It’s a decision that makes the veteran forward very proud.

South Sudan Expels UN Rights Officer
New York Times
KAMPALA, Uganda — South Sudan, which gained independence from Sudan last year after decades of civil war, has expelled a United Nations human rights officer after the government objected to a report raising allegations of atrocities by South Sudan’s 
SOUTH SUDAN: Calls to end the death penalty, improve prison conditions
JUBA, 5 November 2012 (IRIN) – Rights groups are calling for an end to the death penalty in South Sudan and for improvements to the squalid prison conditions where people languish for years, often without due process. A statement on 5 November and an 
Rights groups urge South Sudan to suspend executions
Mail & Guardian Online
South Sudan has continued to use the death penalty despite well-documented weaknesses in the country’s legal system, which prevent it from ensuring the basic legal rights of people accused of crimes,” Amnesty International (AI), Human Rights Watch 

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