PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Bombings and Ground Attacks in the Nuba Mountains

3 min read
13 villages were burned in Tagali, Nuba Mountains (21/11/12 Translation)
Khartoum Regime is continuing to commit its dangerous crimes against civilians in Nuba Mountains/ South Kordofan to implement its political agenda, which is the burned ground, by using different ways to reach its goals. It is continuously using air strikes, ground attacks, and now it is using different ways in dry season and the time of harvesting. So it is intentionally bombed field of crops and the properties of civilian residents in 13 villages Tagali area of Al Abassia locality, Nuba Mountains/ South Kordofan by supervision of SAF and NCP militia.
On 11/16/2012, the NCP forces and its militia lit up the fire in the dry bush and crops around the villages of, Tafrang, Banat, Kumra, Alsamaha, Katraya Almak, Safora, Najar Alhabel, Wadelgeel, Hellat Mohamed Rasheed, Umsediana, Alban Jadeed, Alnugra, and Khor Basheer. The residents of these villages tried to put out the fire, but the NCP forces and its militias forbid them from doing so by force of weapons. The fire burned down the houses and destroyed the crops and garden fields. The fire continued burning until 11/20/2012.
On 11/18/2012, Antonove bomber dropped 8 bombs in Al Dar village, killed 1- a child Khamis Ezekiel Luka 5 years old, 2- a child Yagoub Ezekiel Luka 4 years old. The bomber also injured 1- a child Sarah Philipis Luka 2 years old, 2- a child Lucia Philipis Luka 2 month old. The antinove also dropped 3 bombs in crop’s field in Trogi on 11/20/2012 and 3 more bombs in the crop’s field in Dibbi village in Hiban locality. Today on 11/21/2012, around 3 pm the antonove dropped 6 bombs in the forest of Kalkada village and Kawda city resuling in burning and destroying many houses. There were also 6 bombs dropped in Krakaraia village and 10 more bombs in Umsirdiba, Alnugra, Allabu killing two civilians in Allabu. The names are: 1- Al jaaz Sulaiman 2- Yagoub Sulaiman. these 2 people were killed in their burned houses and there were 10 other houses burned down in the same village bringing up to 12 houses that were burned down with all their belongings in Alabu village. in addition to other properties that distroyed such as strores of crops.

Therefore, the SRF forces of SPLM -N responded by 8 missiles at 5 pm this evening on 11/21/2012 and hit SAF and NCP militia targets inside Kadugli. This war.s a reaction of the continuing air strikes of NCP on the civilians for many days and struggle is continuing.


Office of the Official Spokesperson

Date:   20/11/12

Khartoum regime air force bombed Hieban and Umserdiba

Today 20th of  Nov, 012 Sudan Air force Antonov plane bombed Hieban city at 10;30 am with 7 bombs which landed in the market and into residential area injured three civilians 1-mohammed Idris 2- Mrs. Assia Elia 3- Jibril Abdalla and at 6;30 pm 12 bombs dropped into villages of Umserdiba, Alnugra, Ndra and Tablo in Umdorain county caused wide destruction and burning of farms,
For sure the continuing Arial bombardment by Khartoum regime will worsen the humanitarian situation as the little harvests of this season were burn down, the internal displacement on those who flee as refugees will increase,

Arnu Ngutulu Lodi
SPLM/A-N official spokesman

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