PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Rival Sudans hold summit on Friday, signal concessions

3 min read

Rival Sudans hold summit on Friday, signal concessions
Yahoo! News (blog)
KHARTOUM/JUBA (Reuters) – The leaders of Sudan and South Sudan will meet on Friday to discuss how to improve border security and resume vital oil flows, both sides said on Tuesday as the feuding African neighbors signaled possible concessions…

Sudan and South Sudan leaders to hold summit
They agreed to resume oil exports from the landlocked South through Sudan, months after Juba had shut down its oil production after failing to agree with the North on an export fee, one of several conflicts left over from South Sudan’s secession in 2011.
South Sudan activist, family patriarch Wal ‘Mike’ Duany dies
The Herald-Times (subscription)
Wal “Mike” Duany, who played a key role in the South Sudan Liberation Movement and was also the patriarch of a prominent Bloomington family, died Tuesday morning in Nairobi, Kenya, after a battle with cancer. Duany served as Sudan’s prime minister of 
What Does ‘The FBI Will Investigate the Killing of Isaiah Abraham’ Mean to
The work of ambassador Susan Page, Princeton Lyman, the US special envoy to Sudan and South Sudan, US embassy in South Sudan and the entire US government to involve the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the investigation of late Isaiah 
Taking Towns to People’ Vs ‘Taking Towns to Villages’
We hope our dear South Sudan will be a happy country in near future compared to the unhappy situation it has been put under now. Let our hope for the best wishes remains the fuel of our optimism despite many pessimistic signs surrounding us. To 

UNHCR relies on biometrics for refugee assistance programs in South Sudan
Biometric Update
In South Sudan, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is using digital fingerprinting to strengthen refugee protection, as well as help the country’s most vulnerable citizens. UNHCR is conducting the first biometric registration
Sudan and South Sudan Leaders Agree to Meet
New York Times
President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan has agreed to meet with President Salva Kiir Miyardeit of South Sudan on Friday in Ethiopia to discuss border security and oil sharing, the official Sudanese news agency reported Tuesday. In New Year’s speeches, both 


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