PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Report on the outcomes of the Summit Meeting between Kiir and Beshir in Addis

2 min read

Comment by Comrade Koang Bidit

Here we go again,

This agreement is unfeasible as usual, in which, its contents and deliberative tones are too weak to break the Bashir’s iceberg characteristic. I hate to see another January 13’s summit.

In rephrasing this agreement, the two presidents had greed on the following points:

1. Will do.

2. Reconvene.

3. Temporarily agreement on Abbyei status.

4. AUHIP will act to advise AJOC.

5. The two presidents will not delay implementing border demarcation. Then what is concrete to agree on?

As usual, Mr. Bashir is craving to score his political points on the SPLM-N. He is not at all serious about South Sudan’s diplomatic relations. His political behavior had shown discontents toward the South Sudan’s political agendas. His political dogmatism toward post referendum issues is the best example in this regard. As a sovereign state, the international community will no longer secure our position against the North; then, why wait on Bashir?

A swift turn will rescue the Republic of South Sudan to refocus on its new frontier, starting from the governance reforming policy to secure South Sudan economy and improve insecurity status well across ten states in South Sudan.

Mr. President has to reduce his diligent time and effort on outside political conducts, but deal merely with intramural issues such as ongoing insecurity, and developmental delinquency in the South before he went back to meet Mr. Bashir on January 13’s summit. This summit would be subjected to reschedule because it has nothing to do with the South Sudan’s political future.

Hope the South Sudan’s leadership would respond rationally rescuing our civil society from the unremitting poverty, and senseless killings.

Report about Addis Meeting between Kiir and Beshir.pdf

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