PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The citizen also has a great role to play in the nation

5 min read

By Daniel Machar Dhieu

I have been quite enough and wait for a change but no-way through, although a lot incidence has happened in my presence. Therefore, today I join the world of activist as my home of interest. Indeed, I decided to add my voice in this nation of South Sudan through writing as this is altruistic of Human being. I may not change the whole nation under the system that already exists but simply I requested my sense of nationalism to be trying to challenge this fence of corruption in South Sudan. We all knew that, our backgrounds are not all uniform to be exams hereby under one man rule to change South Sudan at one, but we need to start in this process of establishing the nation.

We have a formula that has turned us under one man rule especially through the SPLM as a party that has led us to a free nation at last. Therefore, South Sudan as a nation must to be ruled by one person as we fought for one nation, and this should be from any party, in this nation we don’t judge any party but we judge people   in the party. This time, our nation south Sudan needs the people who will lead us on the right way and work for the good of this nation and bring a better change to South Sudan as we were crying for the independence of this nation.

I would like to base my point of view on the different-logy of the government and harvested citizens in the nation to differentiate their works in the nation; one should not blame the other administration and work as act of these two wings. We are in the family of South Sudan under the government of South Sudan. The two may not work fairly if they are not directed to agree upon their work. Even in the family of producing father and mother with their biological children may face the same difference, if they failed to identify their compound and labor division.

There are some identical works defined for mother, the same way to father while the children on their capacity according to their sex design.  The same ideology, the nation has the same labor division, and this is clear that, the agencies of the government are Army, police, prison and fire brigade and they have one thing in common their works is to defense the nation both internal and external conflicts. On the other hand, the civil ministries also work to serve the civil population and promote international relationship with other countries. Therefore, the mentioned above led by H.E President of the Republic.

The citizen also has a great role in the nation, is the right of the citizens shelter themselves before any organ of the government for example, is not the government or Mr. President to build the houses for any citizen in the nation. A free citizen, have right to cultivate to earn enough food, citizen have the opportunity to send her/his child to school for studies, citizens also are to maintained peace within and outside the country and the most important thing for the citizens they are to maintain the laws of the country  properly.

However, this has not been the kind of the government and the citizens the South Sudan has. Instead of maintaining the laws and orders, citizens are fond of supporting the criminology across the country, there is already a shortage of food because of laziness. I learned that, the nation is under threat because both two has already messed-up. The citizens failed their side and found themselves on the street of poverty ending fighting each other. Now, the government has to come with all the security agencies to protect its citizens leaving-out the external enemy to attach the nation, also in the process of protecting the citizens more people will lose their lives and properties.

We have really failed to understand our position as South Sudanese at large in socially, politically and economically to stage ourselves and free this nation by any mean. There are some people who trying to provoke the situation and put the blame on the government alone. Therefore, we need to understand ourselves on our responsibility in  the nation and work hard to earn ourselves more food to settle the next problem connected to hunger, and the most important thing to do is to reconcile our differences with other communities  within South Sudan to develop this  nation with a free heart. We can’t focus on development, if we continue with abduction of children from other tribes, no development when we involve on cattle wrestling all these will not take us anywhere atoll.

Am emphasizing on correction of the characteristic of human being for us to build this nation of South Sudan, More we need to understand ourselves as the people of this nation have peace and cooperation   and work for it, we can’t expect things from nowhere but we have to work for our own things. We have to differentiate our positions from the government as possible. In other word, we should take over our responsibility and do whatever belongs to our side especially working on the garden and improves on the basic establishment in the nation leaving the security point of the government.

What I have learned so far concerning the clashes within the country as seen in Wau last year and Rumbek this year , has already inform my heart on tribal conflicts as the order of the day in our county. Killing people have been just like taking morning tea. We are depopulating our number for no clear reason; let asking ourselves why we are killing our brothers and sisters because of the animals that we used to buy with pounds only? Why don’t us joint SPLA troops at the border places like Raja, Heglid and Abyiei to fight back the enemies that are trying to enter our territory of South Sudan.

Surely, all these problems   are basically on laziness we focus on government failure forgetting our part. I failed to understand the vision of our local people on leadership, if we become all ministers whom are we ministering? For this, there must be a minister of Agriculture to take care on agricultural activities in the nation the same to other ministries.

Finally, let take our-side as citizens of this nation and off-lift ourselves out of the government side, and free our hands with superior weapons as these instruments belong to the government level.

From Daniel Machar Dhieu


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