PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan fails to withdraw troops from Sudan border

4 min read

South Sudan
 fails to withdraw troops from Sudan border

JUBA (Reuters) – South Sudan is not withdrawing troops from the border with Sudan to set up a buffer zone as it pledged it was last month, South Sudan’s army said on Monday, in a setback to efforts to resume the oil exports vital to both economies. The 
Hepatitis outbreak kills 88 in South Sudan: (blog)
JUBA – An outbreak of hepatitis E has killed 88 people in South Sudan after a surge in the virus hit refugee camps near the Sudanese border, an aid agency said on Saturday. More than 175,000 people have sought refuge in the new country of South Sudan 
EU Allocates ?80 Million to Sudan, South Sudan
Khartoum — The European Union (EU) mission to Sudan has allocated 80 million euros to Sudan and South Sudan that will be invested in humanitarian aid and food provision in both countries. EU Ambassador in Khartoum, Tomas Ulicny, announced on 
South Sudan Under SPLM’s ‘Mock Democracy’
South Sudan has ever since been a home to all kinds of problems that impacted negatively on the citizens starting from the days of the European and Arab slave traders, the cultural and religious conquest, to the modern day colonialism, neocolonialism 

South Sudan launches electronic payroll system
Sudan Tribune
February 3, 2013 (JUBA) – An electronic payroll management system, seeking to improve efficiency within South Sudan’s civil service, has officially been launched by the country’ Labour and Public Service ministry. Implementation of the pilot phase of 

South Sudan Accuses Khartoum over Border Attack
Voice of America
Manyang David Mayar. February 04, 2013. JUBA, SOUTH SUDAN — South Sudanhas accused Khartoum of launching a deadly attack on a border area in Upper Nile at the weekend, in which one South Sudanese soldier was killed and four others wounded.
South Sudan: Searching for a Credible Development Path
Brookings Institution
South Sudan’s independence from the Republic of Sudan on July 9, 2011 was met with joy, trepidation and many challenges. Despite the fact that South Sudan is endowed with significant amounts of natural resources, the country faces many obstacles.
South Sudan Accuses Sudan of Raids That Kill One Soldier
South Sudan said Sudanese forces attacked a military outpost, killing one soldier and wounding four others. The Sudanese military carried out ground and helicopter attacks in Upper Nile state on Feb. 2, South Sudan’s army spokesman, Philip Aguer, said 

Observatory Account of the SPLM Chapter’s Faulty Election in South Australia
Opposite to the above quote seems to imply that if we don’t change our thoughts, actions; tribally and individually-centered statements, the people of South Sudan won’t be anywhere near the so-called nation building. Can we build a nation without 
South Sudan initiates consultations on national reconciliation
Sudan Tribune
February 3, 2013 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s government has kicked off a series of consultative meetings ahead of an upcoming campaign for a process of healing on national reconciliation in the country. JPEG – 47.8 kb; A consultative meeting between the 
South accuses Sudan of deadly attack
The Nation
JUBA, South Sudan – The South Sudanese army on Sunday accused Sudan of launching a deadly air assault along their volatile border, but Khartoum promptly denied the claims. A spokesman for the South Sudanese army (SPLA) said the attack occurred on 

EU Giving Sudan, South Sudan 80 Million Euros In Humanitarian, Food Aid
KHARTOUM, Feb 4 (BERNAMA-NNN-SUNA) — The European Union (EU) Mission in Sudan says the EU has allocated 80 million euros for Sudan and South Sudan, comprising 50 million euros as humanitarian aid and 30 million euros as food assistance.
Dallas Unitarians fund well in South Sudan
Eight months ago Bol Deng Malual was raising money at First Unitarian Church of Dallas to pay for having a well dug in his home village of Ayiet in South Sudan. This month villagers are drinking from that well. Malual was one of the “Lost Boys of Sudan
Political Joke – Nhial Deng Nhial and Majak Ago’ot Atem Die
Nhial and Majak recognize a lot of South Sudanese they knew way back on earth, mostly those who let down South Sudan during and after the liberation struggle. These were those who collaborated with Khartoum and consequently butchered their own 
Dr John Garang Was an Appointee of the Ethiopians to the SPLM
Manyok Chuol’s article, ‘Dr Garang and the question of South Sudan Founding father: A reply to Elhag Paul’ published on 12th January 2013 by South Sudan Nation is a clear indication that the Jieng are unwilling to take responsibility for the ravages 


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