PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan Prepares for National Reconciliation

2 min read
Sizzling South Sudan
Foreign Affairs
After one of the largest economic contractions in history, South Sudan is ready to make a comeback. Bringing the country’s oil rigs back online will result in some immediate gains. Since oil production might have already reached its peak, however, long 
South Sudan Prepares for National Reconciliation
Voice of America
Sarah Ajith Awel James, who chairs the South Sudan Women General Association, said many South Sudanese, and women in particular, are weary of the violence that continues to roil parts of South Sudan, eight years after the signing of the Comprehensive 
South Sudan political parties subscribe to national reconciliation process
Sudan Tribune
February 7, 2013 (JUBA) – Representatives of various political parties in South Sudan have expressed readiness to participate in the process of healing for national reconciliation across the country. The government has initiated the healing process to 
Land Grabbing May Soon Be of the Past
South Sudan fought two wars of liberation. The first war was between 1955 and 1972 and the second between 1983 and 2005. When the first war ended with peace realized land grabbing was unheard of. However when the second war ended and peace was 
Lakes State Ex-Governor Exit – What Were His Leadership Woes?
Public reaction in Lakes and in Juba was synonymous cheering for this action, which they said was long overdue if accountability and political morality was anything to do with actions by leaders inSouth Sudan. Just the next day, the President again 
Ten die as hunger hits South Sudan
Africa Review
At least 10 people have starved to death in South Sudan as hunger hits many parts of the country following poor harvest. PHOEBE OKAL | NATION MEDIA GROUP. At least 10 people have starved to death in South Sudan as hunger hits many parts of the 

South Sudan troops remain on border
Eyewitness News
JUBA – South Sudan’s army said there were no orders to withdraw from the border with Sudan to set up a buffer zone by a deadline on Monday, despite the government saying last month it had begun pulling back its troops. In turn, Sudan said South Sudan’s 

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