PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Over 100 slain in cattle raid in South Sudan–AP

4 min read
South Sudanese Rebels Kill More Than 100 People in Jonglei State
South Sudan’s army said 24 of its soldiers died in an Aug. 23 ambush by the militia group. Ethnic and militia violence in Jonglei, an eastern state bordering Ethiopia where Total SA has a stake in an oil exploration concession, has marred Southern 
Scores slain in South Sudan cattle raid: governor
Two boys from the Mundari tribe watch over their cattle in Terekeka, a fishing community 75km north of Juba in South Sudan, on September 17, 2012. Heavily armed rebels have killed more than 100 people including women and children in a cattle raid in ..

South Sudan attack leaves more than 100 dead
Reuters UK
JUBA Feb 10 (Reuters) – More than 100 people have been killed in South Sudan in an attack by rebels and ethnic allies on a convoy of families from a rival tribe and their cattle, an official said on Sunday. Since breaking from Sudan in 2011, oil 
Over 100 slain in cattle raid in South Sudan: governor
Saudi Gazette
Over 100 slain in cattle raid in South Sudan: governor. JUBA — Over 100 people were killed on Friday in a cattle raid carried out by heavily-armed rebels in South Sudan’s troubled Jonglei state, the governor told AFP. The people of Walgak in Akobo 
103 reported killed in South Sudan cattle raid
JUBA, South Sudan (AP) — Officials in South Sudan say more than 100 people have been killed in a cattle raid attack in a region of the country known for violent clashes. Kuol Manyang Juuk, the governor of Jonglei state, said 103 people died in the 
Officials: 103 people killed during violence in South Sudan over cattle raid
Montreal Gazette
More than 100 people were killed in a violence-prone region of South Sudan when one tribe attacked another while cattle were being moved across land, officials said Sunday. Kuol Manyang Juuk, the governor of Jonglei state, said 103 people died in the 

Deccan Herald
Since breaking from Sudan in 2011, oil-producing South Sudan has struggled to assert control over remote territories awash with weapons after a 1983-2005 war with the north and torn by ethnic rivalries. The attack on Friday was the worst violence in 

Over 100 slain in South Sudan cattle raid
MORE than 100 people including women and children have been killed in a cattle raid by heavily-armed rebels in South Sudan’s troubled Jonglei state, the governor says. The people of Walgak in Akobo County were migrating north to the wetlands with 
South Sudan: Juba to Absorb Sudan, Diaspora Returnees
Juba — The government on Friday has resolved to absorb into civil service jobs the qualified South Sudanese who came back from Sudan and the Diaspora. Based on the statistics presented in the cabinet meeting on Friday by the acting minister of Labour

Over 100 feared dead in South Sudan border state after unknown group’s attack
Shanghai Daily (subscription)
7 (Xinhua) — At least 103 civilians and 14 soldiers are missing, feared dead, after an unknown group attacked a village in a border state in South Sudan, Sudan Tribune website reported on Sunday. It quoted witnesses as saying that the attack took 

Governor: Rebel Attack in S. Sudan Kills More Than 100
Voice of America
A governor in South Sudan said Sunday that a recent rebel attack on a convoy of families killed more than 100 people. The governor of Jonglei state, Kuol Manyang, said authorities believe ethnic Murle rebels are responsible for an attack on Friday that 
Scores missing after South Sudan raid
AKOBO, South Sudan, Feb. 10 (UPI) — Scores of civilians and soldiers were missing this weekend after a raid by rebel gunmen on a village in South Sudan, a government official said. Kuol Manyang, governor of Jonglei state, told reporters the 

Over 100 people including women and children were killed on Friday in a cattle raid by heavily-armed rebels in South Sudan’s troubled Jonglei state, the governor told AFP.

The people of Walgak in Akobo County were migrating north to the wetlands with cattle “and were being escorted by an army platoon when they came under attack by a huge force using automatic weapons,” Jonglei governor Kuol Manyang said Sunday.

He said 103 people were killed, including 14 soldiers from the platoon, while the rest were civilians, mostly women and children.

Deputy military spokesman Kella Kueth confirmed the incident and said some 500 people were still missing.

He was not however able to confirm the military casualties.

Manyang said the raiders were a mixture of civilians and armed rebels and were all ethnic Murle from Pibor County in Jonglei.

Six months after South Sudan declared independence from Sudan, its eastern Jonglei state was engulfed in ethnic violence when thousands of youths from the Lou Nuer tribe marched on Pibor vowing to wipe out the Murle.

The UN says over 600 people were killed in that attack and around 300 more in smaller reprisal attacks. Local estimates were much higher, running into the thousands.

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