PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan to be ‘pilot country’ for new UN initiative protecting journalists

4 min read
South Sudan to be ‘pilot country’ for new UN initiative protecting journalists
UN News Centre
11 February 2013 – South Sudan will be the first State to adopt a new United Nations-backed initiative aimed at creating a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers, the UN envoy to the country has announced. In a press statement 
Scores slain in South Sudan cattle raid
The Star Online
JUBA, South Sudan: Heavily armed rebels have killed more than 100 people including women and children in a cattle raid in South Sudan’s troubled Jonglei state, local officials said Sunday. The people of Walgak in Akobo County were migrating north 
Dozens dead, hundreds missing in South Sudan raid
CNN International
(CNN) — A heavily armed militia attacked tribesmen during a weekend cattle drive in strife-wrackedSouth Sudan, a government official reported Sunday, leaving behind dozens of dead and possibly kidnapping hundreds of others. Unarmed civilians “were 
UN Fact-Finding Team to Visit Site of South Sudan Killings
New York Times
South Sudan, Africa’s newest country, is struggling with a number of serious security issues, including bombing along the border of Sudan, violent protests in some areas and ethnically-driven clashes in others. On Friday, heavily-armed militiamen from 
South Sudan Town Cleans Up Garbage
Voice of America
BENTIU, SOUTH SUDAN — Like most South Sudanese towns, there’s no such thing as a garbage truck in Bentiu, the capital of Unity state, to collect trash from the streets or in front of people’s homes. Nor is there a landfill or a town dump where 
South Sudan: UN Mission En Route to Assess Reports of Deadly Fighting in
“The UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has received information from local officials from Walgak in west Akobo that an attack took place on Friday, 8 February, in the Manitor area,” Martin Nesirky, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, told 
Over 100 killed in South Sudan attack
Press TV
At least 103 people have been killed in a militant attack on a convoy of people and their cattle in South Sudan’s Jonglei state. A group of heavily-armed men loyal to militant commander David Yau Yau along with members of the Murle community carried 

South Sudan transforms DDR program to make it attractive to ex-combatants
Sudan Tribune
February 11, 2013 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s government has embarked on transforming the reintegration program into civil society of ex-combatants into sustainable income-generating developmental projects which will cater for their livelihoods outside the 
ICRC Facilitates Repatriation of South Sudan Prisoners
Geneva — Sudan has released five prisoners of war (POWs) from South Sudan and repatriated them to their country in a move facilitated by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on 11 February. Upon their arrival in Juba, the five ex 
Aid agencies face violence in South Sudan
Independent Online
Juba – Aid agencies working in South Sudan, one of the poorest countries in the world, are under regular threat from members of the security services who beat or arrest them or commandeer their equipment, the United Nations said on Monday. South Sudan 

South Sudan POWs Return to Juba
Voice of America
JUBA, SOUTH SUDAN — Five South Sudanese prisoners of war returned to Juba Monday, hours after they were released by authorities in Sudan, who had held them since the middle of last year. The five former prisoners of war arrived at Juba’s airport
South Sudan Rebels Blamed After Scores Killed
Voice of America
Yau Yau began his rebellion against Juba in 2010 after failing to win a seat in parliament in the Sudanese general elections. He accepted President Salva Kiir’s offer of amnesty following South Sudan’s independence in 2011, but re-launched his 
South Sudan’s Machar calls on religious institutions to promote education
Sudan Tribune
He said the Muslim community in South Sudan should also play a role in cementing relations between South Sudan and countries in the Arab world and informed the gathering that the new country had already initiated diplomatic relations with many of them.

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