PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

We have no Confidence in Governor Louis Lobong of EES, Says MPs

                                                                                PRESS RELEASE
Date: Wednesday April 17, 2013
On Monday April 15, 2013, Governor Louis Lobong of Eastern Equatori sent troops to siege three Bomas of Betalado, kikilai and Lorema in the Budi County Eastern Equatoria. This was following raid by Youths from the Villages last Saturday April, 2013 at Napeyase where troops sent to retrieved cattle fell into an ambush and 8 were killed.
It was agreed that the raided cattle are returned to the rightful owners and the guns handed over to the government. This was to be done through the chiefs. Unfortunately, Louis Lobong found an opportunity for punitive mission.
On Tuesday April 16, 2013, the troops entered Lorema and started firing at young men herding the goats, then they went to Lorema Hospital and burn down. The medical officers’ responsible for the hospital, Mr Peter Lopotongu, was dragged out of the Hospital and killed together with two other medical personnel. Another patient, Mr Marko Aboho Nakabale was also killed. A female Nurse was wounded as she was fleeing. The whole homestead around the Lorema Hospital was burnt.
The native in the overlooking mountains reacted and fired at the troops. War ensued all day until evening yesterday. In the dark of the night the troops retreated back to Chukudum. We have no information about the casualties’ from the soldiers. The troops may be still planning for reinforcement and counter attack today or next.
Whereas insecurity over cattle raids is acountinuous source of insecurity in many states of South Sudan, it is regrettable that Governor Louis Lobong ordered for OPERATION contrary to what was supposed to be done peaceful collection of stolen cattle and guns .
We the members of the National Legislative Assembly From Budi County are appalled by this reckless approach to issues of insecurity in the state, and hereby issues the following statements:
1)   Call upon the National Government to stop the Operations and to cease future escalation immediately recall these troops out of Budi;
2)   That Louis Lobong has been the causes of all build-ups and multiplication of cattle raids in the Kidepo Vally, Kaliba, Ngauro, Chawua on one hand and Riwoto, Machi, and Namorunyang on the other. Efforts for ethnic reconciliations have collapsed since he is dismissed his erstwhile Deputy Hon Nartisio Loluke Manir.
3)   That reckless disposal of troops where people have have already perceived Louis Lobong as “ a partial and unjust ruler” open unnecessary corridors for conflict.
4)   We regret that we are withdrawing our trust upon him as our Governor.
Hon. Dr David Nailo Mayo
Hon. Lt Gen Peter Longole Kuam
Hon Louis Willy Atyol
Hon. Lucy Iyaya Loki

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