PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Subject: Joint Release to Dispute the Petition sent to Pres. Salva Kiir to remove the VP Dr. Riek Machar

6 min read

Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit
President of the Republic of South Sudan
Chairman of SPLM
C-in-C of the SPLA
Juba, South Sudan
Date: 07/22/2013

Subject: Joint Release to Dispute the Petition sent to First Lt. General Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the Republic of South Sudan by the so-called Nuer Community Leaders and Intellectuals in Diaspora to remove the Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar

Your Excellency:

We, the people listed on the petition released on July 17, 2013 would like to inform your Excellency that the anonymous person who wrote the petition on behalf of the community leaders and Intellectuals is not mandated by the Nuer Community Leaders and Intellectuals in the USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia to write this petition for the removal of the Vice President, Dr.Riek Machar Teny. The individual whom we suspected to write this fake petition on behalf of the Nuer Community Leaders and Intellectuals might have been one of the rebels. He might have been one of the government opponents. He might also have been one of the deserters since the starting of the movement in 1983 or since the CPA was signed in 2005. We believe he/she totally does not care about the consequences of the disunity in our country. We believe that he/she does not care about suffering our people have gone through during the war for the liberation of our country. However, the people like you and your comrades have made a lot of sacrifices for the liberation of the people of the South Sudan. We all know that Dr.Riek Machar is the Vice President of Republic of South Sudan, and he is not representing the Nuer Community in the government of South Sudan. Therefore, his removal from the position of the Vice President should not be decided by Nuer Community alone. It is a mandate of the National Legislative Assembly as stipulated in our Transitional Constitution.

Your Excellency:

The anonymous person who claimed that Dr.Riek Machar has been causing political division and other accusations in the government is not genuine in his claim. In reality, no sound minded individuals who closely watch Dr.Riek Machar’s activities on daily basis can deny all the positive contributions that the Vice President has made to the Republic of South Sudan since the CPA was inked on January 9, 2005 in Nairobi, Kenya. For instance, Dr.Riek Machar has worked hard for southern Sudan Referendum to take place. He also has been fully engaged to negotiate all the CPA outstanding issues. He worked tirelessly to make the National Reconciliation to be held in the country.  He participated in various combat operations with good track records during the liberation struggle. Dr. Riek Machar Teny was the only one who called for the democratization in the movement; he called for stopping the recruitment of Child Soldier, and among the others. We, the South Sudanese people in Diaspora, especially, the Nuer people know that you have been working together for all these years.

It is our great dismay to learn that this narrow mindset individual has asked your administration to remove the Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar using other people names to write such a fake petition without their consents. We all know South Sudanese want peace and unity so that the divided past could be forsaken. We, the peoples listed in the petition do not agree with author to include our names in the petition. We strongly condemned such a forgery by that an unknown man.

Your Excellency:

We believe that on the day you appointed him as the Vice President of Republic of South Sudan, Dr.Riek Machar never rest. He always cares for the problems facing the people South Sudan day and night. He is a strong leader who has an ability to understand the power of unity of people of South Sudan, peace, and reconciliations. Therefore, the allegations that the Nuer Community Leaders and Intellectuals requested the removal of the Vice President Dr. Riek Machar  are merely untrue. The listed Nuer Community leaders and Intellectuals in Diaspora mentioned in the petition do not agree with the person who published these names on the web. He/he writes the petition on his/her own personal accord.

Your Excellency:

This irresponsible individual also lied to you without shame that the Nuer community Leaders and Intellectuals signed the petition to remove the Vice President Dr.Riek Machar by forging the names of innocent people including women and pastors who do not even want to be defamed in the internet with false information at all. This is also another big crime. What was written in the petition was the individual self-fish ambition, using people names without their consents. We the people listed on the list were not consulted to write the petition. In short, the entire petition which was written by that individual is null and void.

Your Excellency:

It is our great pleasure to express our gratitude to your effective leadership to disregard this baseless petition written by that individual demanding the removal of the Vice President Dr. Riek Machar. The people of South Sudan in Diaspora will continue to support your leadership and its efforts to ensure peace, security, and development for the people of South Sudan.

Over all, the Vice President, Dr.Riek Machar is the right man in the right place at the right time. . Therefore, the decision to write such a petition to remove him is completely an individual’s decision. We, the signatories listed in the petition never agreed with the author’s opinion to write the petition. This petition is naïve and baseless. We have strongly condemned the action of such individual. The author wrote this petition to promote his selfish interest at the expense of innocent people. Your consideration in this matter is appreciated in all aspects.

Your sincerely,

1.      Nyachuol Tut Chol
2. Brown Gatluak Bol,
3. Tongyik Lam Tut
4. Ustaz Bol Deang
5. Sarah Nyalual Tut
6 John Chuol Mai
7. Nyachuol Koang Chol
8. Khor Pal Deng
9. Reath Chuol Puk
10. Jock Paleak Mut
11. Chua Diw Chang
12. John Tut Chuol
13. Intikabat Lieth Reath
14. Miyong Tut Nyuon
15. Wiyual Leaw Kuach
16. Gatluak Tut Deang
17. Changkuoth Chol Lel
18. John Tut Bumetet
19. Gatbel Chamjock
20. Pal Gatkuoth Ruei
21. Chan Dak Lham
22. Gach Gatkuoth Kur
23. Pastor Chuol Gatkek
24. Peter Both Gach
25. Mr. Tharjiath Kun Luoth
26. Jinub Koang Boungjak
27. Nuer Chuol Wang
28. Tor Chuol Minyjaik
29. Pastor Miong Gatluak
30. David Tut Bang
31. Jacob L. Gatkuoth
32. Panom Lul Deang
33. Gabriel Kueth Gatluak
34. Khan Nyuon Kawang
35. Simon Wuor Gai
36. Jock Lul Pan
37. Wiyual Mut
38. Lam Y. Deng
39. Gabriel Kueth
40. Chuol Dugak
41. Gatluak Jacob Tut
42. Tutyang keat
43. Gatkuoth Reath Wakoa
44. Lam Wai Mut
45. Jany Makuach Luot
46. William Pul Gatkuoth
47. Nyamach Molang
48. Gatluak Deng Got
49. John C Mai
50. Deng Chuol Omot
51. Wakow Deng Bol
52. Tut Reath Chuol
53. Gathaak Run Tut
54. Thok Pal Chai
55. Daniel Gatluak Both Deang
56. Wiyual Kuach Tut
57. Peter Tuach Wiyual
58. Yien Lok Machar
59. Deng Koang Tut
60. John Simon Mai
61. Tut Makuac Both
62. Isaiah Chuol Gatluak
63. Bol T. Wang
64. Kor Machar Deang
65. Wal Rambang chuol
66. Thok Kuang Hothnyany
67. Chuol Chot Yiel
68. Gatluak Dieth Tut
69. Tut Tongyik Ding
70. James Tut Geng Yut
71. Nyanyak Chuol Guandong
72. Leila Nyareak Gatluak
73. Sarah Nyanchar Wakoa
74. Chuol Gatriay
75. Mary Nyaruach Kuon
76. Isaac Bol Kuany
77. Yien Diew
78. Lam Thot Muang
79. Elizabeth Nyakong Gach
80. Jock Nhial Both

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