PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan calls for calm after government sacked – FRANCE 24

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South Sudan calls for calm after government sacked – FRANCE 24FRANCE 24

FRANCE 24 latest world news report  Heavily armed South Sudanese troops and police guarded key government institutions in the capital Juba Wednesday, 
South Sudan’s president sacks cabinet and deputy presidentReuters AlertNet

The news comes as landlocked South Sudan shuts down its oil production, its lifeline, after Sudan said it would close the two cross-border export pipelines 
South Sudan’s President fires entire cabinetPanARMENIAN.Net

PanARMENIAN.Net – South Sudan’s president has sacked his entire cabinet, in an apparent power struggle with other senior leaders, BBC News reported.
South Sudan’s President Kiir Sacks Entire

 Information Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin spoke to French news agency  Two-year-oldSouth Sudan gained formal independence from Sudan on July 9, 
Sudan army, rebels clash ahead of oil deadlineFox News

KHARTOUM (AFP) – Sudanese rebels clashed with troops in North Kordofan  to loot the civilian population,” the official SUNA news agency quoted army spokesman  South Sudan separated two years ago with most of the formerly united 
South Sudan: bishop sees no progress against rebel terrorCatholic Culture

A bishop in South Sudan has complained about the lack of effort by international leaders to curb a movement that has terrorized civilians in several different 
Sudan Darfur rebels attack North Kordofan militaryBBC News

South Sudan seceded in 2011, under the terms of a 2005 peace deal to end Africa’s  “We handed the army a defeat,” Reuters news agency quotes Gibril Adam 
S. Sudan’s political shakeup: 29 ministers firedFremont Tribune

AmumSouth Sudan’s chief negotiator in talks with Sudan, criticized Kiir’s decision  forum for readers to exchange ideas and opinions on the news of the day.
South Sudan warns oil shutdown could destroy pipelinesEnergy Global

South Sudan has warned its neighbour Sudan that turning off oil flows through pipelines between the two countries could destroy the link unless production 
South Sudan’s Salva Kiir sacks cabinetFRANCE 24

South Sudan’s President, Salva Kiir, on Wednesday sacked his entire cabinet, including his main political rival Riek Machar. The move  By News Wires (text).
S. Sudan’s political shakeup: 29 ministers firedMontana Standard

South Sudan President Salva Kiir has dismissed his first vice president and 29  Amum, South Sudan’s chief negotiator in talks with Sudan, criticized Kiir’s 
Beyond churches, Sudan regime targeting foreign aid workersBP News

July 9 was the second anniversary of South Sudan’s independence from Sudan.  to Morning StarNews, an independent news agency focusing on persecution.

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